Unit - 5 The Old Woman and the Lime Tree || Class 8 english unit 5 exercise|| class 8 English chapter The Old Woman and the Lime Tree exercise



Unit - 5
The Old Woman and the Lime Tree
 Reading I 
A. Replace the words in red with their synonyms from the story.
a. The old bridge was going to collapse which terrified the people.
Ans: cave In
b. The little girl pleaded with her parents to buy her a bicycle.
Ans: begged
c. The players were delighted after scoring the winning goal.
Ans: overjoyed
d. When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.
Ans: fool
e. The mountaineer was scared as he tried climb dangerous rock.
Ans: terrified
B. Put the following events in the correct order.
1.d. There lived an old man and an old woman.
2.c. The old man went to the forest to cut down a lime tree.ducation sch
3.g. The old woman sent her husband to ask for a horse and a cart.
4. a. The old man asked for a new hut.
5.e. The two old people were as happy as children.
6.b. The old woman wanted to frighten everyone.
7.f. Everything was lost at the end.
C. Answer these questions.
a. Why did the old man go to the forest with an axe?
Ans: The old man went to the forest with an axle to cut a lime tree for firewood.
b. What did the lime tree tell the old man when he was about to cut it down?
Ans: The lime tree requested the old man not to chop him down and he would do him a good turn.
c. List the things that the old people received from the lime tree.
Ans: The old people received a horse ad a cart, a new house, livestock, money and policeman and soldiers from the lime trees.
d. Do you like the old woman? Why?
Ans: No, I don't like the old women because she is mean and selfish.
e. What lesson did you learn from this story?
Ans: I learned from this story that we should not be greedy.
D. What would you do if you were the old woman? Discuss.
Ans: If I were the old women, I would be satisfied with those things and wouldn't wish more.
B. Choose the correct alternative.
a. Jiban said, "Clean the bedroom."
 i. Jiban told me to clean the bedroom
b. The teacher said to her, "Work with your classmates."
ii. The teacher told her to work with her classmates.
c. The doctor said to him, "Take your medicine regularly."
iii. The doctor advised him to take his medicine regularly.
d. She told me, "Don't do it."
iii. She told me not to do it.
e. I said to him, "Please go to the market."
i. I asked him to go to the market.
f. He said to me, "Post this letter at once."
i. He told me to post that letter at once.
g. He said to me, "Wait here till I return."
ii. He asked me to wait there till he returned.
h. Sunita said to him, "Don't stay here anymore."
iii. Sunita ordered him not to stay there anymore.
II. Poem: Free Birds
Reading II
A. Find the words from the poem that match with the following meanings.
a. Hindrances things that make it more difficult for somebody to do something. 
b. Courage the ability to do something dangerous.
c. Patriot a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country.
d. Flap (of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly.
e. Expedition an excursion or a journey made for some specific purpose.
f. Incredible difficult to believe; extraordinary.
B. Answer these questions.
a. What are students compared with in the poem?
Ans: Students are compared with free birds in the poem.
b. How can students overcome the hindrances on their way?
Ans: Student can overcome the hindrances on their way with their determinati.
c. How is it possible to achieve your goal?
Ans: It is possible to achieve your goal by giving try with determination and courage.
d. Why is it necessary to value time?
Ans: It is necessary to value time because time waits for none. We should follow it with great care and caution.
e. How can we make our country a piece of heaven?
Ans: We can make our country a piece of heaven by loving our nation being a true patriot.
C. What expression does the poet use to persuade you to do the things?
The poet uses the expression such as: flap your wings, touch the sky, nothing is impossible etc. to persuade us to do the things
Change the following sentences into reported speech as in the example.
a. Please open the window.
She asked me to open the window
b. Do not waste your time.
My teacher advised us not to waste our time.
c. Speak the truth.
The old man suggested us to speak the truth.
d. Avoid eating unhealthy food.
My grandmother told him to avoid eating unhealthy food.
e. Please come to my birthday party.
Ranjana requested me to come on her birthday party.
f. Clean the room
My brother told me to clean the room.
g. Do everything in time.
My parents advised us to do everything in time.
h. Give up bad habits.
The Monk advised us to give up bad habits.
B. Develop a story with the help of the clues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.
A crow..........sticks some peacock feathers........flies to peacocks.... claim peacock as relatives..... they drive him away fly to ducks...........ducks also drive him away.............crow is left alone............ friendless........
B. Develop a story with the help of the clues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.
A crow.........sticks some peacock feathers.......flies to peaccks claim peacock as relatives..... they drive him away .... fly to duck.........ducks also drive him away...... crow is left alo ...............
Ans: Once upon a time, there was a crow. It sticked some peacock feathers. It flied to peacocks and claimed him as peacock relatives. They drove him away. It flied to ducks. Ducks also drove him away. Crow was left alone and became friendless.
Moral: Truth is the fundamental of friendship.


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