Unit - 4 A Memoir: A Visit to Mustang || Class 8 English Unit - 4 A Memoir: A Visit to Mustang Exercise



Unit - 4
A Memoir: A Visit to Mustang
Reading I
A. Learn these words and complete the following sentences using them.
a. She studied history of art and architecture at the university.
b. All the alleyways of the city are resurfaced.
c. Many pilgrims visit the Muktinath Temple every year.
d. I found Nepali people charming and helpful.
e. One can enjoy the panoramic view of the Kathmandu Valley from the top of the Dharahara.
B. Put these sentences from the text above in the correct order.
a. It took seven hours for the writer to reach Tatopani. (3)
b. The tourist guide shared experiences about her life with the writer. (4)
C. The writer took a hot shower. (6)
d. The writer appreciated the hotel staff in Pokhara. (2)
e. The writer, together with other members, visited Marpha village. (5)
f. The writer spent a night in Pokhara and met her tour group. (1)
C. Answer these questions.
a. Is it easy for non-Nepalis to enter Upper Mustang? Why?
Ans: No, it is not easy for non-Nepalis to enter Upper Mustang. They need a special travel permit to enter Upper Mustang.
b. Why was the writer given cushions and blankets at the hotel in Pokhara?
Ans: The writer was given cushions and blankets at the hotel in Pokhara to protect her from cold during the night.
c. Why do only a few tourists visit Nepal in January?
Ans: Only a few tourists visit Nepal in January because it is usually very cold in the Himalayas during this month.
d. What was the Tatopani spring like?
Ans: The Tatopani spring was a small but charming natural pool.
e. Where does Kagbeni lie?
Ans: Kagbeni lies along the Kali Gandaki River.
f. What, according to the Buddhists, are the five elements of life?
Ans: According to the Buddhists, the five elements of life are symbolized by the colors of flags - blue symbolizes sky, white symbolizes air, red symbolizes fire, green symbolizes water, and yellow symbolizes the earth.
g. What is Marpha village known for?
Ans: Marpha village is known for apple trees and its unique architecture.
h. Was the writer happy with her journey in the end? How do you know?
Ans: Yes, the writer was happy with her journey in the end because she felt refreshed and warm after waking up in Marpha on the last day of her journey.
Reading II
A Diary Entry
A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Column A                Column B
a. bumpy - iii. (of a surface) uneven/not smooth
b. rural - iv. connected with or like the countryside
c. charming - i. very pleasant or attractive
d. tiring - vi. making you feel the need to sleep or rest
e. steep - ii. (of a slope) rising or falling quickly
f. admirable - v. deserving respect, excellent
B. Decide whether these statements are True or False. Write NG (not given) if the information is not given.
a. This was Neil's first visit to Nepal. True
b. He visited the village together with his friend from England. False
c. Neil did not like the music and the song. False
d. He admires the Nepali people. True
e. Neil never closed his eyes throughout his journey so that he could enjoy the scenery. False
f. Neil is going back to his homeland in the near future. NG
C. Answer these questions.
a. When did the writer visit a village in Dhading?
Ans: The writer visited a village in Dhading in 2022.
b. Why did the writer give some money to the boys on the bus?
Ans: The writer gave some money to the boys on the bus because they played Nepali songs and made the writer feel close to the Nepali community.
c. Was the journey to the village comfortable for the writer? Why?
Ans: The journey to the village was not comfortable for the writer. The bus traveled along bumpy and windy roads, and the writer nearly fell off the seat a few times.
d. Why does the writer feel he needs to write diary during the day?
Ans: The writer feels the need to write the diary during the day because they are always too tired to write at night.
e. What did the writer like the most about Nepal?
Ans: The writer liked the friendliness and support of Nepali people the most about Nepal.
D. Surf the internet or search other sources and find an interesting diary entry. Share it with the class.
Dear Diary,
Today was a rollercoaster of emotions. In the morning, I topped my math test, and it made me feel happy. But then, during lunch, my best friend and I had a huge argument, and it shattered my heart. I couldn't focus on anything else for the rest of the day. However, after school, we finally talked things out and made up. It was such a relief, and our friendship feels stronger now. It's amazing how quickly things can change. I'm grateful for the ups and downs because they teach me valuable lessons. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm ready for whatever comes my way. Yours sincerely,
Royal Zenith


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