Traditional Wedding Customs around the World || Class 10 english chapter Traditional Wedding Customs around the World exercise|| class 10 english unit 6 exercise



Unit 6
Traditional Wedding Customs around the World
A. Find the words from the text which have the following meanings.
a. Rituals a set of actions performed regularly
b. Offspring a person's child or children
c. Symbol something that stands for something else
d. ............
e. Review assess something to help improve it
f. Rescue save someone from a dangerous situation
B. Answer these questions.
a. Why did ancient people start the marriage ritual?
Ans: Ancient people started the marriage rituals to secure a safe environment in which they could have offspring and pass their property onto them.
b. What are the two pre-wedding ceremonies in India?
Ans: The two pre wedding ceremonies in India are Engagement and Mehandi.
c. What is a sake?
Ans: A sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice.
d. Why is a community important during wedding ceremony in Jamaica?
Ans: Community is important during wedding ceremonies in Jamaica because the community helps plan the wedding.
e. Who reviews the bride's looks in Jamaica?
Ans: Everyone in the village reviews the brides looks in Jamaica.
f. Why do you think Welsh wedding traditions seem strange?
Ans: I think Welsh wedding tradition seems strange because the brides should be kidnapped by their families shortly before the wedding day.
C. Match the paragraphs with their correct headings.
Paragraph 1 - Introduction to Marriage
Paragraph 2 - Indian Wedding
Paragraph 3 - Japanese Wedding
C. Match the paragraphs with their correct headings.
Paragraph 1 - Introduction to Marriage
Paragraph 2 - Indian Wedding
Paragraph 3 - Japanese Wedding
Paragraph 4 - Jamaican Wedding
Paragraph 5 - Welsh Wedding
D. Which of the wedding cultures discussed in the text you liked the most? Give reasons.
Ans: I like Welsh wedding culture the most because it is more interesting than others.
B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.
a. Ruksar is having the mechanic service her scooter. (service)
b. Teachers made us take extra-classes in the evening. (take)
c. I let them open their windows. (open)
d. Ahamad always gets his parents to buy. an expensive gift on his birthday. (buy)
e. Samrat had his bedroom cleaned (clean)
f. How can we get people to clean surroundings? (clean)
g. Shyanden got his hair cut yesterday. (cut)
h. Do your parents get you to do the household chores? (do)
i.Our teachers let us play football after 4:00. (play)
j. Did you get your shirt washed yesterday? (wash)
C. Rewrite the following sentences starling with the given words as subjects. Use the causative verbs in brackets.
a. Indra ordered Kamini to book tickets.
Indra made Kamini book tickets.
b. Somebody washed my clothes yesterday.
got my clothes washed yesterday.
c. Hamid used his mother's mobile phone.
Hamid's mother let Hamid use her phone.
d. Did a painter paint your house?
Did you have your house painted.
e. Kripa goes to school on her mother's scooter.
Kripa's mother let Kripa use her scooter to go to school.
f. The boy types my documents.
get the boy to type my documents.
g. The police told the prisoners to raise their hands.
The police made the prisioners aise their hands.
h. The lady hired a mechanic to mend her car.
The lady had a mechanic mend her car.
How do people celebrate wedding ceremony in your culture? Write a short description.
In my culture, wedding is celebrated as a very special day because this day comes only once in anyone life. Usually, people expense a lot more than their income or savings in wedding because wedding is also treated as a pride in my community.
In wedding, bride comes with their friends and family as barati in the home of bride groom. During the journey the barati dances on the road. Usually, this journey is travelled on rath, bride sits on rath and barati dances in front of rath and slowly and slowly the rath reaches the bride groom home. After that activity of syambor starts where all relatives and seniors come on the stage to bless the bride and bride groom. This part is considered as a photo shoot event. After this event, the real rituals of wedding starts.
In my culture, wedding is celebrated as a very special day because this day comes only once in anyone life. Usually, people expense a lot more than their income or savings in wedding because wedding is also treated as a pride in my community.
In wedding, bride comes with their friends and family as barati in the home of bride groom. During the journey the barati dances on the road. Usually, this journey is travelled on rath, bride sits on rath and barati dances in front of rath and slowly and slowly the rath reaches the bride groom home. After that activity of syambor starts where all relatives and seniors come on the stage to bless the bride and bride groom. This part is considered as a photo shoot event. After this event, the real rituals of wedding starts.
Well bride, bride groom and pandit sits in-front of marva. marva is a special small like hut. Pandit starts their mantra and the wedding proceed. During this whole process the night ends. With this new morning this new couple is blessed from god to start the new life...
Life Saving Inventions
Reading ll
A. Find the words/phrases from the text for the following meanings.
a. Replace change for a new one
b. Deliver hand over goods to the proper recipients
c. Invented undertook a scientific procedure to make a discovery
d. Experimented a thing or an idea that has been created
e. Injuries harms done to a person's body
f. Passes through goes through
B. Write whether the following statements are True or False. If the information is not given, write NG.
a. Women in Africa walked for a long time to fetch water for their homes. [True]
b. With the hippo-roller, people can carry more water than with a normal bucket. [True]
c. LifeStraw is made of paddy straw. [False]
d. LifeStraw never stops working. [False]
e. Japanese technology was used in those three inventions. [False]
f. Coca-Cola company worked with Simon Berry to design AidPod. [NG]
g. AidPod has been used successfully in many different countries. [False]
C. Answer these questions.
a. Why was life tough with traditional plastic buckets?
Ans: Life was tough with traditional plastic buckets because they were very heavy, often causing back and neck injuries.
b. Who made the lives of African women easier?
Ans: Pettie Petzer and Johan Jonker, the engineers who designed the hippo-rollers, made the lives of African women easier.
c. How does LifeStraw work?
Ans: LifeStraw works by using a long thin plastic tube that cleans the water as it passes through it into somebody's mouth, allowing people to drink dirty water without getting ill.
d. Where was LifeStraw used during disasters?
Ans: LifeStraw was used during disasters such as the Haiti earthquake, and floods in Pakistan and Thailand.
e. What made Simon Berry design the AidPod?
Ans: Simon Berry designed the AidPod because he noticed that people in remote villages in Zambia could buy Coca-Cola, but they had no access to medicines. He wanted to bring medicines when delivering Coca- Cola to those villages.
f. If his plan works well, what does Simon Berry hope to achieve?
Ans: If his plan works, Simon Berry hopes to do the same thing in other African countries and save thousands of lives by distributing AidPods with medicines alongside Coca-Cola deliveries.
D. Which of the inventions mentioned above do you think is the most relevant in your locality? Talk to your friends. Give reasons.
I think hippo-rollers are the most relevant in our locality. They can be particularly relevant in our areas where access to clean water is a challenge or where people have to travel long distances to fetch water. Women and children often bear the responsibility of collecting water, which can be physically demanding and time-consuming.
A. Do the verbs in the following sentences match with the subjects? Tick (✔) the correct sentences and cross (X) the incorrect ones.
a. i. The students attend the language course. (✔)
ii. The students attends the language course. (X)
b. i. Aayusha and her friend decorates her classroom.(X)
ii. Aayusha and her friend decorate her classroom.(✔)
c. i. Either my brother or my father do not let us come to the meeting.(X)
ii. Either my brother or my father does not let us come the meeting.(✔)
d. i. Has Utsav with his friends made preparation for the programme? (✔)
ii. Have Utsav with his friends made preparation for the programme?(X)
e. i. The story in a movie, including all the songs, attracts audiences' attention.(✔)
ii. The story in a movie, including all the songs, attract audiences' attention.(X)
f. i. They were made dance at the party.(X)
ii. They were made to dance at the party.(✔)
B. Choose the correct option from the brackets to complete the following sentences.
a. Writing an email needs (needs/need) a lot of care.
b. Two plus three makes (make/makes) five.
c. Mr. Karki and Mr. Mandal were (was/were) studying mathematics together last evening.
d. Five years pass (pass/passes) too early.
e. Either the child or the parents need (need/needs) to come to receive the prize.
f. Were (Was/Were) the scissors working properly?
g. The director and the actor never go (go/goes) late for the shooting.
h. A team of players receives (receive/receives) medals.
i. Both of them have (has/have) returned home late.
j. Jina does not like do not like/does not like) tea.
Read the given paragraph carefully and paraphrase it as in the example.
The dog, a domesticated animal, is commonly kept as a pet. Possessing a keen olfactory sense, it serves diverse purposes, including hunting and search and rescue operations. Dogs exhibit a wide range of sizes and breeds, each possessing distinct characteristics and abilities. Renowned for their loyalty and obedience to their human companions, dogs are regarded as integral members of the household. The provision of training and attentive care is crucial to ensuring the well-being and contentment of these animals throughout their lifespan.

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