Weather Forecast || Class 8 english unit 10 exercise|| class 10 english chapter Weather Forecast Exercise




Weather Forecast


Reading I 

A. Find the words from the texts to complete these sentences.

a. There was a violent storm with thunder and lightning. yesterday.

b. Nepal measures an average annual rainfall of 10 cm.

c. The weather in Kathmandu is moderate. It is neither too hot nor too cold.

d. When exactly did the incident occur ?

e. The weather forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow.


B. Study the weather information in the texts and tick the correct answers.

a. Which place was the hottest yesterday according to the chart?

i. Kathmandu

ii. Ghorahi

iii. Nepalgunj


b. Which place was the coldest yesterday according to the chart?

i. Pokhara

ii Kathmandu

iii. Dipayal


C. Which places did not have rainfall yesterday according to the chart?

i. Janakpur

ii. Biratnagar

iiii. Nepalgunj


d. What will the weather be like today in the hilly regions?

i. windy

ii. rainy

iii. thunder and lightning


Grammar I


A. Study these sentences and notice the degree of certainty 'will' and 'be going to' express.

a. Look at those boys playing football! They're going to break the window. (More certain)

b. The sky is getting darker and darker. It's going to rain. (More certain)

c. I think he will win the next election. (Less certain)

d. It is monsoon. It will rain tomorrow. (Less certain)


B. Complete the sentences with will or be going to.

a. A: Did you buy some bread?

B: Oh, no! I forgot to buy it. I some. I will go back to buy some.

b. A: Why have you put on these boots? B: I am going to walk on the snow.

C. If I meet him, I will tell him the good news.

d. I've bought a new book. Tonight, I am going to stay at home and start reading it.

e. Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.

f. I am going to meet her next week. It's been my plan for a long time.

g. A: They say the weather will be awful tomorrow.

B: Really? In that case I Will cancel the trip.

C: I know. I heard the news. I am going to spend the whole day reading books.


Grammar II


A. Compare the following sentences. Do they mean the same thing or are they different ? Discuss.

He will leave home at 8 a.m. = He will have left home by 8 a.m.

She will pass the exam. = She will have passed the exam by next year.

I will eat lunch at 12 noon. = I will have eaten lunch by 12 noon.

Nita will finish her work tomorrow morning. = Nita will have finished her work by tomorrow morning.

Our team will do the project work next week. = Our team will have finished the project work by next week.


B. Use the verbs in the brackets to write the sentences in future perfect.

a. I will not have finished (not/finish) the game by 6 o'clock.

b. My mother will have grown (grow) 1000 tulips by the end of the month.

c. The mechanic will have mended (mend) my bicycle by tomorrow.

d. The shop will have closed (close) by 8 o'clock.

e. The programme will have finished (finish) by 4 p.m.

f. I will not have been (not/be) here by Friday.

g. My father will have ironed (iron) the clothes by the evening.

h. Madhu will have left (leave) before her parents reach home.

i. The painters will have completed (complete) their work by next week.

j. I will have saved (save) enough money to buy a bicycle by the end of the year.


C. Put the verbs in the brackets into future simple or future perfect.

a. Scientists will have found (find) a cure for AIDS in twenty years period.

b. Perhaps, she will come (come) for lunch tonight.

c. She is writing a book. She Will have finished. (finish) the book by next month

d. Wait a minute. I will drop. (drop) you at the station.

e. There's no need to hurry now. The bus will have left (leave) by the time we get to the stop.

f. Someone is knocking at the door. Will you open (open) the door, please?

g. Will they complete (complete) the project in time?

h. Will they have completed (complete) the project by the deadline?

i. If they don't work hard, they will not pass (not pass) their exam.

j. They are decorating the room. In two hours' time, they will have finished (finish) doing it.



Reading II 


A. The words for these meanings are hidden in the grid below. Find the words. The words are either vertical or horizontal.

a. a place to which somebody is going Destination 

b. what you intend or plan to do; your aim Intention

c. to fill or spread over an area quickly, especially in large numbers Overrun

d. disadvantages Drawbacks

e. an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood, etc. Disaster

f. chance Opportunity

g. to force somebody to do something Drive


B. Answer these questions.

a. Who are called tourists?

Ans: People who visit a new place for a short period of time are called tourists.


b. Why do people move from one place to another?

Ans: People move from one place to another for various reasons such as better opportunities or employment, shelter, higher wages, facilities, and better working conditions. They may also move due to political reasons, conflicts, or natural disasters.


c. List any two push factors for migration.

Ans: Two push factors for migration are: -Economic, social or political issues

-Natural disasters


d. When does it become difficult for migrants to find a job?

Ans: It becomes difficult for migrants to find a job when a place is overcrowded with migrants, leading to increased competition and potentially lower wages.


e. List any two benefits of migration to the place of destination.

Ans: Two benefits of migration to the place of destination are: - 

- Economics opportunities

- Promotion of cultural heritage and social cohesion


D. Many Nepalis are migrating to other countries for different purposes. Discuss its positive and negative effects with your partner.

Ans: Many Nepalis are migrating to other countries at present for various purposes. Some Nepalis go abroad for study whereas others go for emploment opportunities. Some of them are migrating temporarily whereas others are migrating permanently. For whatever purposes they go, it has both positive and negative effects. Due to foreign employment, Nepal is getting remittance, globally capable and skilled human resource, and foreign technology. People are uplifting their economic condition. On the other hand, Nepal is facing brain drain. It means that Nepal's capable and skilled man power is going abroad. As a result, Nepal is facing lack of man power. Similarly, family separation and family breakdown, exploitation of Nepalis in foreign country, homesickness, loss of Nepali culture, etc. are the negative effects.


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