Festivals and Celebrations|| class 10 english unit 2 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 2 exercise



2. Festivals and Celebrations


A. Match the words with their meaning.
a. mush a soft thick mass or mixture
b. jerk to make something move with a sudden short sharp movement
c. concussion a temporary loss of consciousness
d. hurl - to throw something violently in a particular direction
e. pulp the soft part inside the fruits and vegetables
f. clutch to hold something tightly
g. sip- to drink something, taking a very small amount each time
B. Write 'True' for true statements and 'False' for false ones.
a. The tourists are informed to wear a red hat through public notices. (True)
b. Aranceri seems dressed in Doctor Who Esque costumes. (False) 
c. When a cart approaches, run away from the square. (False)
d. The narrator feels bored during the festival period. (False)
e. The volunteers encourage the visitors to join the battle. (False)
f. The narrator accepts Massi's offer. (False)
C. Answer the following questions.
a. What does the red hat symbolize?
Ans: The red hat symbolizes the carnival itself and is a symbol of freedom, worn in times by freed slaves and during the Middle Ages on the heads of peasants rioting against feudal lords.
b. How does the narrator feel when she wipes her face?
Ans: The narrator feels scared and shocked when she wipes her face and sees blood.
c. What does the square look like after an hour-battle of the oranges?
Ans: After an hour-long battle of the oranges, the square is covered in a thick sludge, a mixture of orange pulp and horse manure, and it smells sharp, sweet-and-sour.
d. How do aranceri members chase the cart?
Ans: The aranceri members chase the cart by charging towards it and bombarding it with oranges as soon as it approaches.
e. Does Silvia enjoy this carnival? Why?
Ans: Yes, Silvia enjoys this carnival because she thinks that it is good for her psychology health, and during these three days, she can let out all the frustrations she has built up during the year.
f. Why does Massi say, "Forget the nets"?
Ans: Massi says "Forget the nets" because he believes that if someone wants to truly experience the carnival, they have to be in the middle of the battle, and the protective nets would prevent that.
Grammar I
A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. The beginning of each sentence is given.
A. Agaman asked Timothy if he was working tonight.
B. A stranger asked me if that was the road to the station.
C. My friend inquired of her whether she had done her homework.
D. The tourist was asked if he had been to Paris.
E. Usha inquired of Anju how long she had been working in that company.
F. My mother asked me what flavor of ice cream I had had at the party. 
G. The teacher wanted to know if the students had studied reported speech before.
H. I asked him where he would stay that night.
I. Sumangal asked his friend how many players had been shown yellow cards by the referee. 
J. Sarita asked Sommaya what magic the medicine had on the patient.
B. Change the following remarks into reported speech.
a. Kritika asked me why I had gone out the previous night. 
b. Sunita asked Usha who that beautiful woman was. 
c. Gautrab asked Yang Dolma how her mother was. 
d. My friend asked what I was going to do over the weekend. 
e. My teacher asked where I would live after graduation. 
f. Anusha asked Melisha what she had been doing when she saw her. 
g. I asked the pilgrim how the journey had been. 
h. Krishna asked how often I went to the cinema. 
i. The Principal asked if I lived in Patan. 
j. Niraj asked Luniva if Phadindra had arrived on time.
Writing I
Write an essay describing a festival which is celebrated in your community. Include its brief history, people involved, major activities, religious or social importance, duration, and drawbacks, if any.
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a popular Hindu festival celebrated across India and in other parts of the world where there is a significant Hindu population. The festival usually falls between mid-October to mid-November and lasts for five days.
The festival is marked by the lighting of diyas (earthen lamps) and candles, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. People decorate their homes with colorful Rangolis and flowers, and exchange sweets and gifts with family and friends.
On the third day of Diwali, people perform Lakshmi Puja to seek the blessings of the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It is also believed that Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya on this day after defeating Ravana and completing his fourteen-year exile.
Apart from India, Diwali is also celebrated in other countries such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Singapore. The festival is a time for people to come together, celebrate, and spread happiness and positivity.
Grammar II
A. Rewrite the following sentences choosing the correct alternative from brackets.
a. Sujita asked her mother when her father would come home. 
b. She replied that she had never had caviar when I said to her, "Have you ever had caviar?"
c. The salesperson said to him, "What can I do for you?"
d. The tourist inquired from me whether I belonged to Banepa. 
e. The little girl asked us what time we were supposed to come back. 
f. The head teacher asked her whether she had filled out the exam form the week before.
g. Ronuka asked me if I had called her.
B. Nihar Chaudhary interviewed her Social Studies teacher last week. Here is the report prepared by her after the interview. Read it carefully and list oul direct questions asked by Nihar.
What is lhi?
Why are pre-adolescent girls married to Suvarna Kumar in Ihi ceremony?
Why was Ihi start?
What is the age range of girls who undergo the Ihi ceremony? 
What is the significance of Bel fruit in the lhi ceremony?
How long does the lhi ceremony go on for? 
What foods or drinks are not allowed during the Ihi ceremony?
Writing II
A. Write a news story using the following clues.
Vitamin A capsules
The Department of Health Services has announced that health assistants will distribute Vitamin A capsules to children aged between six months to five years on October 19 and 20. The annual distribution of Vitamin A capsules has been an ongoing program since 2050 BS in Nepal. The capsules are given to children to prevent blindness and enhance their immunity.
Additionally, children aged between one to five years will be given deworming tablets during the same time. The deworming program has been running since 2056 BS and aims to eliminate parasitic infections that affect children's growth and development.
The department has urged parents and caregivers to bring their children to the designated health centers on the scheduled dates to receive the supplements. They have also assured the public that the distribution will be carried out following all necessary health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The department believes that the distribution of Vitamin A capsules and deworming tablets will benefit thousands of Nepali children and contribute to their overall health and well-being.

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