Current affairs|| Class 10 english chapter 1 exercise| class 10 english unit 1 exercise



1. Current Affairs And issues
A. The following words have two different meanings. Match each word with the meaning used in the context of the text above.
a. Glare : an intense blinding light
b. Curb : something that checks or restrains
c. hail : to describe somebody
d. Commute : to travel regularly between workplace and home.
e. Serene : calm and peaceful
f. Liability : the state of being legally responsible for something
g. Deploy : to use something effectively
h. Autonomous : a vehicle that has the technology to drive itself
i. Perception : the ability to understand the true nature of something
B. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences below.
a. One of the features of automated cars is that they have their own voice to welcome people into them. (iii) 
b. Driverless technology is being widely used particularly in the USA. (i) 
c. The positive impact of such technology on the environment is that it reduces carbon production. (iii) 
d. One of the problems with driverless technology is that it cannot deal with human drivers. (ii) 
e. One of the biggest challenges of the automated cars is human safety from it. (ii) 
f. The automated technology developed so far is partly trustworthy. (ii)
C. Answer the following questions.
a. Mention any three features of the driverless car.
Ans: The three features of the driverless car are:
I. It travels slowly.
Ii. It is called by using mobile app.
III. Its windscreen gives enough light in the car.
b. Describe the benefits of driverless technology.
Ans: The advantages of driverless technology:
I. It takes people out of high-risk working environments and streamline our industries.
II. It lowers carbon emissions and paves the way for more sustainable ways of living.
c. What, according to Camilla Fowler, is the special advantage of automated vehicles? 
Ans: The special advantage of automated vehicles is that it can make safer roads and is les fatal according to Camilla Fowler.
d. What are the problems with driverless vehicles in David Hynd's views?
Ans: Human driver may not behave as the driverless vehicles do and they also have to cope with the human drivers speeding, or breaking the rules of the road in David Hynd's view.
e. What are scientists doing to make driverless technology safer?
Ans: Scientists are trying to find the way how to get the cars to operate safely and effectively in complex and unpredictable human environments by building a testing ground for autonomous vehicles.
f. Do you think driverless technology is safer than human-controlled driving? Why?
Ans: As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, it is generally believed that driverless technology has the potential to be safer than human-controlled driving due to its ability to eliminate human errors such as distracted driving, speeding, and fatigue. However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as unpredictable human behaviour, changing regulations, and liability concerns, before driverless technology can be considered completely safe and reliable.
Grammar I
a. "I broke the mirror." He admitted that he had broken the mirror.
b. "I'd go and see a doctor if I were you," Pemba said to me. Pemba advised me to see a doctor.
c. "I will send you out if you make a noise again," said the librarian warned me not to make a noise again.
d. "I can come and help you plant rice," said Raman. Raman offered to help me plant rice.
e. "The classes start from next week," said the assistant. The assistant informed us that the classes start from the following week.
f. Sonam said to me, "Thank you so much for your help." Sonam thanked me for my help. 
g. "OK. I will return your money by Saturday," said Prakrit. Prakriti promised to return my money by Saturday.
h. "I will really work hard and score good grades," said Anupam. Anupam agreed to work hard and get good grades. 
i. "I am sorry for coming late," said the speaker. The speaker apologised for coming late.
Writing I
The use of AI in the technology is not only making people's lives easier but bringing new challenges. Write a newspaper article about the challenges brought by the advancement of AI in technology.
Ans : 
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve and become integrated into various aspects of our daily lives, it has brought about significant challenges. While AI has undoubtedly made tasks more efficient and convenient, there are concerns about its impact on society, economy, and ethics.
The issue of data privacy is also a concern in the advancement of AI. AI systems often rely on vast amounts of data for their training and decision-making processes. This raises questions about who owns the data, how it is collected, and how it is used. There are concerns about data breaches, unauthorised access, and the potential misuse of personal information. Protecting the privacy and security of data used in AI technologies is crucial to prevent abuse and maintain public trust.
Another challenge is the impact of AI on social dynamics. The use of AI in social media and online platforms has raised concerns about the spread of fake news, manipulation of public opinions, and the polarisation of society. AI-powered algorithms that curate content and personalize information for users can create echo chambers and filter bubbles, reinforcing existing beliefs and limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. This can have negative consequences on democracy, public discourse, and social cohesion.
In conclusion, while AI has brought significant advancements in technology and improved many aspects of our lives, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed. Job displacement, ethical concerns, data privacy, misuse, and social impact are some of the challenges that arise with the advancement of AI in technology. It is essential to have robust regulations, ethical frameworks, and responsible practices in place to mitigate these challenges and ensure that AI is used for the benefit of humanity while minimizing its potential harm. Striking a balance between technological advancements and societal well-being is crucial as we navigate the future of AI in technology.
Open Letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words given below.
a. The outrage headquarters of the company is in Dubai. 
b. According to Greta, the leaders are failing to tackle the key issues.
C. Some viruses catalyse the step in the production of other viruses. 
d. His expertise in business helped him greatly to run the company.
e. Nepal government plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to net-zero. 
f. He does not have good knowledge of business. So, he has put his investment at stake. 
g. His controversial remarks caused public outrage.
B. Write whether the following sentences are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'Not Given' if the information is not found in the letter.
a. Save the Children congratulates Antonio Guterres on his recent appointment as the General Secretary of 
the UN. (Not Given)
b. The Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change was announced on the request of the children between 18-21 years of age. (False)
c. The dissatisfaction is that the representation of children is not inclusive. (True) 
d. Greta Thunberg protested for the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. (True) 
e. The children demand their physical safety in the UK and Italy. (False)
f. The children think that they can participate in decision making to fight against the climate crisis. (True)
C. Answer the following questions.
a. Where is the office of the UN Secretary General?
Ans: The office of the UN Secretary General is located at 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017.
b. What is the purpose of writing this letter to Antonio Guterres?
Ans: The purpose of writing this letter is to express disappointment at the exclusion of children in the Youth Advisory Group on climate change and to request inclusion of children in decision-making processes related to climate action.
c. Why was the Youth Advisory Group announced?
Ans: The Youth Advisory Group was announced to advise the UN Secretary General on accelerating global action and action to tackle the climate crisis.
d. What roles have children played in the time of climate crisis?
Ans : Children have been vocal in advocating for climate action, participating in school strikes, engaging with political and corporate leaders, and demanding their right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.
e. Describe Greta Thunberg and Fabrizio's contributions.
Ans: Greta Thunberg sparked the global movement for climate action through her solo protest in 2018 and has been advocating for the rights of children and youth in the climate debate. Fabrizio, a 16-year-old boy from Peru, has been vocal in expressing anxiety about the impact of climate change on children's future and calling for urgent action for a green recovery.
f. What is the final demand of the children?
Ans: The final demand of the children is to have children and adolescents younger than 18 included in the Youth Advisory Group on climate change and to have a safe space for children to influence upcoming preparatory events related to COP26.
Grammar II
A. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences: 
a. Abhilasha said that she witnessed the accident. 
b. The teacher explained that the earth revolves round the sun. 
c. Smarika says that she can't stay here anymore. 
d. Sachita says that she loves to listen to music. 
e. My brother reported that he had completed his homework.
f. My father said that the sun was very hot.
g. Jenifer said that he wants to be a nurse.
B. Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech.
a. Raima said that they had to cross the river and go ahead. 
b. Smarika said that she would meet her friends the next day.
c. Chandani said that she couldn't come to school the following day. 
d. Dorje apologised and said that he could not lend any money that day. 
e. The teacher said that they could solve the remaining problems themselves now.
f. The police said that the incident probably took place the day before. 
g. I told him that I lived in Changunarayan these days. 
h. They told us that they would like to join us too. 
i. The Science teacher explained that the coal gives off thick smoke.
j. Resham said that she had never seen such a strange animal anywhere else.
k. The father said that he loved his children more than wealth.


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