Health and Wellness|| class 10 english unit 3 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 3 exercise



3. Health and Wellness


A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
a. nightmare- iii. a very unpleasant or frightening experience
b. pediatric- iv. relating to the medical care of children
c. intravenous- v. into or connected to a vein
d. priority- ii. a thing that is regarded as more important than others
e. medications- i. treatment using drugs
f. confidante- ix. a person with whom private matters and problem are 
g. deprivation- viii. the lack of something considered to be a necessity
h. vulnerable- vi. in need of special care, support, or protectionprotection
i. dreadful- vii. very bad or unpleasant
B. Write True for true and False for false statements.
a. The sender of the letter was happy with the service of the health workers. False
b. The staff of different departments in the hospital had harmonious relationships with each other. False
c. The hospital staff were concerned with the requirements of the sick child. False
d. The staff of the hospital shared their personal feelings with the writer.False
e. The chart was unclear about the patient's gender. True
f. The author took the mistakes of the health workers normally. False
g. The writer seems to be more sincere in her duty than the hospital staff. True
C. Answer the following questions. 
a. What was the nightmare for the author?
Ans: The nightmare for the author was her daughter's sickness(high fever).
b. What do you think the main purpose of this letter is?
Ans: I think, the main purpose of this letter is to express author's dissatisfaction over the service of hospital staffs and request them to treat the patients with proper care and empathy.
c. According to the author, what was the main weakness of the hospital staff?
Ans: According to the author, the main weakness of the hospital staff was their negligence towards the treatement of the patient and their rude behaviour.
d. Did the nurses really say "your daughter is not a priority"? Why did the author think so?
Ans: No, the nurses actually didn't say "your daughter is not a priority." But, from their expression "I am so busy today", the author understood that her sick daughter was not their priority.
e. What do the patients and their families expect from the health workers?
Ans: The patients and their families expect proper treatment, empathy and polite behaviour from the health workers.
f. List the questions that the author was asked frequently in the hospital.
Ans: The author was frequently asked the following questions in the hospital:
- Was your daughter premature?
- Was your delivery normal?
g. Why did the health workers make gender error about the author's daughter?
Ans: The health workers made gender error about the author's daughter because her daughter was in a diaper in hospital most of the time. Moreover, they didn't pay attention to the paper work which indicated her daughter's gender either.
h. According to the author, how do people perceive the career of health workers.
Ans: According to the author, people perceive the career of health workers not as a glamourous profession. They think that health workers want to help sick people get well. They regard it as a noble profession.
Reading ll 
A. Consult a dictionary or the internet and define the following words/phrases.
a. wonderfood - It refers to the food which is exceptionally nutritious and good for health.
b. cardiovascular diseases - It refers to the disease/health condition which affects our heart and blood vessels. 
c. bioeconomy - It is economic activity involving the use of biotechnology and biomass in the production of goods, services, or energy.
d. demographic change - It is the change in population size and structure caused by birth, death and migration.
e. multidisciplinary approach - that involves experts from multiple fields approach to solve problem or research working together to achieve a common goal.
f. economic inequalities - Differences among individuals in terms of their wealth or money.
g. neurological disorders - A broad category of disorders that affect the nervous system.
h. biomarkers - It is a biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease.
B. Complete the sentences below with one of the words in red from the text above.
a. The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.
b. The organization held its annual conference in New York this year. The health ministers of more than forty countries attended it. 
c. It is innovation that makes any organization a successful one. 
d. Your life changes dramatically if you perform well in your study.
e. Mr. Gurung is leaving the job because of chronic/cardiovascular disease.
f. Early diagnosis of a disease helps us to cure it soon.
g. We have faced unprecedented level of climate change at present.
h. The patient may need blood work or other biomarkers to determine his specific health problem.  
i. The world looked for different multidisciplinary approaches to find the solution to COVID-19.
C. Choose the best alternatives to complete the following sentences.
a. The greatest public health challenge at present is..........
i. cancer
ii. diabetes
iii. obesity
iv. cardiovascular disease
b. The Joint Programming Initiative will bring the ............ of member states together.
i. lifestyle
ii. economy
iii. challenge
iv. knowledge
c. The health care innovation chain begins from.....
i. researchers
ii. biomarkers
iii. diagnostics
iv. regulators
d. The need behind multidisciplinary approach is.........
i. the unchanged pattern of food purchase and consumption.
ii. the lack of effective treatments for patients.
iii. the poor quality of life.
iv. the lack of progress in research and innovation.
e. Through this speech, the speaker wants to..........
i. open the conference on the Joint Programming Initiative
ii. invite new public health challenge
iii. launch the programme 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life'
iv. appeal the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation
D. Answer the following questions.
a. What topic is the speaker talking about when she says, "It's a topic that's never out of the media...?"
Ans: The speaker is talking about healthy diets and lifestyle when she says, "It's a topic that's never out of the media.."
b. According to the speaker, what is the cause of obesity among children in the EU?
Ans: According to the speaker, the cause of obesity among children in the EU is poor diet and low physical activity.
c. What should people do to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes?
Ans: People should adapt better lifestyles and healthier diets to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes.
d. What is Horizon 2020?
Ans: Horizon 2020 is Europe's 80-billion-euro research and innovation programme designed to tackle society's biggest challenges.
e. Why is research very important to fight against the health challenges?
Ans: Research is very important to fight against the health challenges because it benefits all patients and prevents many people from developing diseases in the first place.
f. What result can Horizon 2020 give if it is implemented effectively?
Ans: If Horizon 2020 is implemented effectively, it can make excellent progress on research and innovation for healthy diets and healthy lives.
g. What results does the speaker expect from the conference?
Ans: The speaker expects the collaboration among the member countries for research and innovation in order to tackle the biggest health challenges. She expects that the Strategic Research Agenda will be implemented.
h. Do you think that the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference? If yes, what benefits will they get?
Ans: Yes, I think that the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference in the following ways:
- Members of EU will collaborate for research and innovation which will result into prevention, diagnosis and cure of many diseases.
- There will be excellent progress on healthy diets and healthy lifestyles.
- There will be best research on nutrition, health-related diseases and ageing.
- All the patients will benefit due to innovative and effective products, treatement, services and strategies.


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