Hobbies & Interests || Class 10 english unit 8 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 8 exercise



8. Hobbies & Interests
A. Write synonyms and antonyms for the following words from the text.
a. unrevealed (synonym) - hidden
b. sharpen (synonym) - hone
c. boring (antonym) - exciting
d. unexcited (antonym) - passionate
e. healing (synonym) - therapeutic
f. frame (synonym) - reasel
B. Find the meanings of the following words/phrases from a dictionary and use them in sentences of your own.
a. lignite - to set something on fire or to start something burning; to arouse or inspire strong emotions or reactions.
He used a matchstick to ignite the candles on the birthday cake.
b. In-demand - very popular or desired by many people.
Due to her skills and experience, she was always in demand in the job market.
c. Let off - to release or discharge something or someone; to excuse or forgive someone
from blame or punishment. The police officer let off the driver with a warning instead of issuing a ticket.
d. A notch - a V-shaped cut or indentation of a degree or level of measurement. He turned up the volume a notch so that he could hear the music more clearly.
e. Passionate - having or expressing strong emotions or feelings; enthusiastic or zealous about something.
She is a passionate advocate for animal rights and works tirelessly to Dromote their welfare.
f. Refurbishing - The company is currently refurbishing their old office building to modernize it and improve working conditions.
g. A blog r a website or online platform where a writer or group of writers share their opinions, experiences or information on a particular topic. Sentence: She writes a fashion blog where she posts about her personal style and fashion trends.
h. Hanging out - spending time with someone in a relaxed or casual way; loitering or lingering in a public place.
We spent the afternoon hanging out at the beach, playing volleyball and enjoying the sun.
C. Write True if the information is true, False if it is false and NG, if the information is if it is false not given in the text.
a. Outdoor hobbies are more popular than indoor hobbies. False
b. You need more effort for reading than for other hobbies. False
c. Only good dancers choose dancing as their hobby. False
d. Antiques are also used for interior decoration in a house. NG
e. Paintings can be used to express your feelings. True
f. People who choose photography as their Hobbies are pro photographers. False
g. Keeping journals helps people become successful. True
h. Flexibility in time and place is the best part of knitting. True
D. Answer these questions.
a. What aspects of our life influence the hobbies we choose?
Answer: The hobbies we choose can be influenced by various aspects of our life, such as our interests, personal preferences, upbringing, cultural background, social influence, available resources, and our overall lifestyle. For example, if someone grew up in a family that appreciates art, they might develop a hobby in painting or drawing. Similarly, if someone has a passion for music, they might choose hobbies related to playing instruments or singing.
b. What makes reading the most popular hobby?
Answer:- Reading is considered a popular hobby due to several reasons. First, it provides a means of entertainment and escape from reality. Books can transport readers to different worlds, introduce them to new characters, and allow them to immerse themselves in compelling stories. Additionally, reading offers knowledge and intellectual stimulation. It broadens one's horizons, improves vocabulary and language skills, and enhances critical thinking and imagination. Reading is also a flexible hobby that can be enjoyed at one's own pace and in various settings, making it accessible to many people.
c. How can people practise dancing?
Answer:- There are several ways people can practise dancing. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Join dance classes: Enrol in a dance studio or community centre that offers classes in different dance styles such as ballet, salsa, hip-hop, or contemporary. Professional instructors can guide individuals through proper techniques and choreography.
2. Online tutorials and videos: Utilise online resources like YouTube or specialised dance websites that provide step-by-step tutorials and dance routines. This allows people to learn at their own convenience and pace.
3. Dance apps: Use mobile applications that offer interactive dance lessons and provide feedback on technique and timing.
4. Dance with friends or in social settings: Attend dance parties, social events, or clubs where dancing is encouraged. Dancing in a social environment not only allows for practice but also provides an lopportunity to connect with other dancers and gain inspiration.
d. What things are necessary for one to go with painting?
Answer :- Several things are necessary for someone to engage in painting:
1. Art supplies: Basic painting materials include paints (such as acrylic, watercolour, or oil paints), brushes, a palette, canvas or paper, and a set of easel or painting surface.
2. Inspiration: Having an idea or subject to paint is important. It can be a still life arrangement, landscape, portrait, or any other concept that inspires the artist.
3. Knowledge and skills: While anyone can start painting as a hobby, developing skills and techniques can greatly enhance the artistic output. It's beneficial to learn about colour theory, composition, shading, and various painting techniques through classes, books, or online tutorials.
4. Creativity and patience: Painting requires creativity to express oneself and patience to practise and improve over time. It's important to embrace the learning process and enjoy the journey of self-expression through art.
e. Write the benefits of doing photography.
Benefits of doing photography include:
1. Creativity and self-expression: Photography allows individuals to capture the world from their unique perspective, using composition, lighting, and subject selection to convey emotions or tell stories.
2. Exploration and mindfulness: Engaging in photography encourages people to explore their surroundings, pay attention to details, and appreciate the beauty in everyday life. It can also serve as a form of mindfulness, as photographers focus on the present moment and immerse themselves in the act of capturing images.
3. Documentation and memory preservation: Photographs serve as visual records of important moments, events, and people in our lives. They help create lasting memories and can be cherished for years to come.
4. Technical and artistic growth: Photography involves learning about camera settings, lenses, and editing techniques, which contribute to technical skills development. It also offers opportunities for artistic growth by experimenting with different styles, genres, and perspectives. 5. Connection and communication: Photography enables individuals to connect with others by sharing their images, stories, and experiences. It can serve as a universal language that transcends barriers and fosters understanding.
f. Why has writing become a popular hobby?
Writing has become a popular hobby for
several reasons:
1. Self-expression and creativity: Writing allows individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a personal and creative way. It offers a means of self-discovery and self-reflection.
2. Catharsis and emotional well-being: Writing can be a therapeutic activity, helping people process and make sense of their feelings and experiences. It provides an outlet for emotions, reduces stress, and promotes emotional well-being.
3. Storytelling and imagination: Writing allows individuals to create and share stories, whether fictional or based on personal experiences. It taps into the human fascination with narratives and encourages imagination and storytelling skills.
4. Communication and connection: Writing enables individuals to communicate their ideas and perspectives with others. It can foster connections, spark discussions, and create communities of like-minded individuals who appreciate literature and writing.
5. Personal growth and development: Engaging in writing as a hobby can lead to personal growth, improved writing skills, and expanded knowledge. It encourages continuous learning, research, and the development of a unique writing style.
g. How can knitting be rewarding to a person?
Answer:- Knitting can be rewarding to a person in several ways:
1. Creativity and self-expression: Knitting allows individuals to create unique and personalized items such as clothing, accessories, and home decor. It provides la creative outlet for self-expression and allows for customization according to personal style and preferences.
2. Mindfulness and relaxation: The repetitive nature of knitting can induce a meditative state, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and mindfulness. It can be a soothing and calming activity, offering a break from daily pressures and distractions.
3. Sense of accomplishment: Completing a knitting project, whether it's a small item or a larger endeavor, can provide a sense of achievement and pride. Witnessing the tangible results of one's efforts can boost self-confidence and motivation.
4. Connection and community: Knitting can be a social hobby, allowing individuals to connect with other knitters through knitting circles, groups, or online communities. It provides opportunities for sharing knowledge, patterns, and ideas, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
5. Practical and sustainable: Knitting allows individuals to create functional items that serve a purpose, such as warm scarves, cozy blankets, or useful dishcloths. It promotes sustainability by encouraging the use of natural fibers and reducing reliance on mass-produced goods.
E. Do you think a person's hobby really helps him/her in a professional career? Discuss.
Answer : Engaging in a hobby can certainly have a positive impact on a person's professional career. Here are a few reasons why:
1. Transferable skills: Many hobbies require the development of specific skills that can be transferable to the workplace. For example, hobbies like writing, painting, orphotography can enhance creativity, attention to detail, and visual communication skills. Playing a musical instrument can improve discipline, focus, and teamwork. These skills can be valuable in a wide range of professional fields. 
2. Personal growth and self-confidence: Hobbies provide opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.
When individuals pursue their hobbies passionately, they often push themselves to learn new things, overcome challenges,nand strive for excellence. This growth mindset can translate into a professional setting, where individuals are more likely to take on new responsibilities, seek out|learning opportunities, and have the confidence to tackle challenges.
3. Networking and connections: Manynhobbies offer social interactions and networking opportunities.
Engaging with others who share similar interests can lead to valuable connections and relationships. These connections may open doors to professional opportunities, collaborations, mentorship, or even job prospects. Networking through hobbies can be particularly beneficial in industries where personal connections and referrals play a significant role.
4. Stress relief and work-life balance: Hobbies can serve as a source of stress relief and help individuals maintain a healthy work-life balance. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation outside of work can reduce stress levels, increase overall well-being, and prevent burnout. When individuals prioritize their hobbies and take time for themselves, they often come back to their professional endeavors with renewed energy and focus.
5. Differentiation and unique perspectives: Hobbies can make individuals stand out from their peers and provide unique perspectives in the workplace. Having diverse interests and experiences outside of work can contribute to a well-rounded individual who brings fresh ideas and creativity to their professional role. Employers often value employees who can think outside the box, approach problems from multiple angles, and bring a diverse range of skills and perspectives to the table.
While hobbies can have a positive impact on a person's professional career, it's important to note that not all hobbies directly translate into professional skills or opportunities. However, the personal growth, stress relief, and balance that hobbies provide can indirectly contribute to an individual's overall well-being and job satisfaction, which can, in turn, have a positive impact on their professional success.
A. Find the words from the text above that have the following meanings.
a. a small flash of light, especially a reflected oner - glint
b. main branch of a tree - bough
c. a little tower of a building or a castle - turret
d. a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another - stair
e. causing great wonder; extraordinary -  marvellous
B. Choose the correct answer.
a. What does the speaker view from the branch of the tree?
i. the sky
ii. the earth
iii. the town
b. What aids the speaker to go up and up?
i. the apple tree
ii. the branches on the tree
iii. a stair bought for her support
c. What does the speaker compare the glow of a dome with?
i. a turret
ii. a spire
iii. sea foam aning 
d. Which of the following statements is true?
i. The speaker used to climb onto the tree top.
ii. The speaker is sure to get to the top of the tree now.
iii. The tree leaves will certainly prevent her from going higher and higher.
e. Which of the following statements carries the message of the poem?
i. We should not give up in the middle of any situation or a goal.
ii. Be satisfied with what you have at the moment.
iii. We cannot enter heaven without a staircase.
C. Answer these questions from that poem too in short.
a. Why does the speaker want to climb on the tree?
Answer: The speaker wants to climb the tree to gain a higher perspective and experience a sense of freedom and exploration.
b. What things are shining brightly when viewed from above?
Answer: When viewed from above, the things shining brightly are the leaves of the tree.
c. Is it the first time that the speaker has climbed up the tree? How do you know?
Answer: it is implied that it is not the first time the speaker has climbed up the tree. This can be inferred from the speaker's familiarity with the act of climbing and the ease with which they navigate the branches.
d. Make a list of words from the poem which d which describe the light or brightness.
Answer: Words from the poem that describe the light or brightness include 'shining" "flash" "sparkling" and "dazzling."
e. What do the sky and the earth symbolise in the poem?
Answer: In the poem, the sky and the earth symbolize vastness, beauty, and the wonders of nature. The sky represents freedom, openness, and limitless possibilities, while the earth symbolizes stability, grounding, and the interconnectedness of all living things. Together, they embody the harmony and balance found in nature.
D. "The more determined you are, the better opportunity you will achieve in life and obtain what you want in life." Do you agree with this statement? Discuss .
Answer :- The statement "The more determined you are, the better opportunity you will achieve in life and obtain what you want in life" reflects the idea that determination is a crucial factor in achieving success and attaining one's goals. While determination can certainly contribute to one's chances of success, it is important to consider various factors that influence an individual's opportunities and outcomes in life.
Agreeing with the statement, determination is often a driving force behind individuals who set clear goals, work hard, and persevere through obstacles. It fuels motivation and resilience, enabling individuals to overcome setbacks and continue pursuing their aspirations. Determined individuals tend to exhibit a strong work ethic, discipline, and a willingness to put in the necessary effort and time required to achieve their objectives.
These qualities can increase the likelihood of seizing opportunities and making the most of them when they arise. However, it is essential to recognize that success and opportunities in life are influenced by a complex interplay of factors beyond determination alone. External circumstances, Such as socio-economic background, access to resources, systemic barriers, and luck, also play significant roles in shaping opportunities and outcomes. Not everyone starts on an equal playing field, and external factors beyond an individual's control can significantly impact their ability to achieve what they want.
Furthermore, the definition of success and what one wants in life is subjective and can vary from person to person. Success is multifaceted and can encompass various aspects of life, including personal fulfilment, relationships, health, and happiness. While determination is important, it is not the sole determinant of achieving all types of success.
Additionally, it is crucial to acknowledge that setbacks and failures are inevitable parts of life. No matter how determined an individual is, they may encounter obstacles that are insurmountable or circumstances that are beyond their control. In such cases, the ability to adapt, learn from failures, and reassess goals becomes vital.
In conclusion, while determination is a valuable trait that can contribute to success, it is not the sole factor that determines one's opportunities and outcomes in life. It is essential to consider the broader context, external circumstances, and the multifaceted nature of success. By recognizing the interplay of various factors and combining determination with adaptability, resilience, and an understanding of one's own values and aspirations, individuals can increase their chances of achieving their goals and leading a fulfilling life.
 Grammar II 
A. Now, change the following sentences with passive voice using 'being' or 'having'.
a. Puja hates people shouting at her in the street. Answer: Puja hates being shouted at in the street.
b. Jahagir can't stand beggars wiping his feet. Answer: Jahagir can't stand having his feet wiped.
c. Our class teacher detests students flattering her. Answer: Our class teacher detests being flattered.
d. The headteacher likes teachers checking students' homeworks. Answer: The headteacher likes having students' homeworks checked.
e. The actress does not mind journalists following her. Answer: The actress does not mind being followed.
f. Rebika prefers people writing to her better than talking to her on the lines.
Answer: Rebika prefers being written to better than talked to on the lines.


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