Cyber Security|| class 10 english unit 7 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 7 exercise



7. Cyber Security
A. Choose the words/phrases given below and write against the correct definitions.
[munching, ridiculous, window shopping, stammer, obsessed, lurking, outfit, leer, swerve, stamp]
a. remaining hidden so as to wait for somebody secretly -lurking
b. preoccupied with something continually to a troubling extent-obsessed
c. the act of looking at goods displayed in shop windows without intending to buy them-window shopping
d. bringing down one's feet heavily down on the ground-stamp (stamping)
e. deserving or inviting disapproval; absurd- ridiculous 
f. a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity-outfit 
g. to turn aside abruptly from a straight line or course-swerve
h. eating something hard, steadily and noisily- munching
i. look or gaze in an unpleasant and offensive way- leer
j. speaking with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping-stammer
B. Rewrite the following sentences in chronological order.
c. Anuja told her father that she wanted to see her new friend.
e. She told her father about her new e-friend.
a. Her father accompanied her to meet her friend.
g. He observed that Anuja was looking like a boy in her new dress.
d. She revealed her secret e-identity to her father.
b. They saw a car on the other side of the road.
h. They waited for Anuja's friend for ten minutes. 
f. Anuja's father shared the incident with his friend.
C. Read the story again and answer these questions.
a. Why do you think Anuja was unwilling to take her father along with her to meet her new friend?
Answer:- Anuja was unwilling to take her father along with her to meet her new friend because she was afraid that his physical appearance, particularly his age, large belly, and baldness, would embarrass her.
b. How does she criticise her father?
Answer:- Anuja criticizes her father by calling him obsessed.
c. Describe Anuja's e-friend.
Answer:- Anuja's e-friend is 12 and Anuja is very fond of her.
d. What (Why) did Anuja's father propose to go with her?
Answer:- Anuja's father proposed to go with her because he wanted to meet her friend and make sure that she was safe.
e. What was the shocking news for her father?
Answer:- For her father, the shocking news was that she chatted with her e-friend as a boy.
f. Why did they return without meeting Anuja's friend?
Answer:- They returned without meeting Anuja's friend because they couldn't find any girl at the place where they were supposed to meet. They waited for ten minutes and saw a car parked with dark windows on the other side of the road, but it sped away. The narrator concluded that the girl was fake, and they left.
g. Why do you think Dhurva laughed at the story of Anuja's father?
Answer:- Dhurva laughed at the story of Anuja's father because he found the situation humorous. He revealed to the narrator that the reason Anuja's friend and her mother did not appear at the meeting place was that they saw an old man with a big stomach and a bald head lurking around.
h. How did the girl's mother see Anuja's father?
Answer:- Why didn't they talk to each other? The girl's mother saw Anuja's father from her car as he was lurking around the meeting place. All she could see was an old man with a big stomach and a bald head. They didn't talk to each other because she drove the car back home without meeting him.
D. What can be the consequences of faking your identities and bullying other people on social media and the internet?
Faking your identity and bullying others on social media and the internet can have serious consequences. Some of these consequences include:
- Legal consequences, as cyberbullying is often considered a crime in many countries.
- Damage to reputation, as your actions online can impact your personal and professional life.
- Mental health consequences, as both the victim and the bully can experience negative effects on their mental health.
- Social isolation, as being known for bullying or using fake identities can lead to being shunned by others.
- Online harassment and retaliation, as bullying can result in retaliation from the victim or others standing up against cyberbullying.
 Grammar I 
B. Complete the sentences below with should, ought to or must. Use the negative forms where necessary.
a. Every child should take good care of their ageing parents. 
b. If you want to lose weight, you ought to exercise regularly.
c. A: Someone picked up my pocket.
B: You must inform the police about it.
d. A: How was the movie?
B: It was great. You should go and see it.
e. We must not disrespect our nation at any cost.
f. You look ill. You should see a doctor.
g. In order to maintain healthy habits, we should go to bed early and get up early in the morning.
h. You must not offend people with your harsh words.
i. We should learn to apologise with people to build trust and cooperation.
j. If you find someone's goods, you should try to return them to the respective person.
 Writing I 
B. Imagine that you are Niti, and that you were unable to attend the function. Write a reply email to Sambridhi apologising for your inability to attend her brother's wedding due to an urgent family business.
From: TO:
Subject: Apology for incapability to attend the wedding
Dear Sambridhi,
Thank you so much for the invitation to your brother Naman's wedding reception. I am deeply sorry that my family and I won't be able to attend the celebration as we have to attend to an urgent family business that cannot be postponed.
We are extremely disappointed that we will miss the opportunity to share this special day with you and your family. Please do convey our best wishes and heartfelt congratulations to your brother Naman. We hope that the wedding day will be filled with joy, love, and wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.
Once again, thank you for inviting us, and please accept our apologies for not being able to attend.
Warm regards,
Shekh MD Alee
A. Match the words given below with their meanings.
a. possession- v. something that you own or have with you; belongingness 
b. intertwined- viii. closely connected with somebody or something
c. integration- vii. the act of combining two or more things together
d. avoid- i. to prevent something bad from happening
e. sensitive- ii. quick to detect or respond to slight changes or signals
f. proliferated- ix. increased rapidly in number or amount
g. shielding- iv. protecting something from danger or harm
h. promptly-x. without any delay
i. authentication- vi. the act of proving that something is real or true
j. transaction-iii. an act of buying or selling; deal
B. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. It is a good idea to use the same password in different accounts for safety purposes. - False
b. The teenagers are more vulnerable than any other age group regarding internet safety. - False
c. It is not safe to let the computer remember our passwords. - True
d. A cheap debit card is safer than the expensive one. - False
e. It is not safe to enable auto update of software in our devices. - False
f. We should never enter our financial details on websites. - True
C. Read the following paragraph headings and write the correct paragraph name (A-H) against them.
h. Protect your Personal Information with Strong Passwords- A ng Nepal
a. Keep your Personal Data Safe-B
c. Set up Two-factor Authentication-C
f. Pay Attention to Software Updates-D
e. Be Careful about WiFi-E
c. Set up Two-factor Authentication-F
b. Keep Personal Information Private-G
g. Back up your Personal Data-H
D. Answer these questions.
a. How do we try to protect our physical property?
Answer:- To protect our physical property, we can take several measures such as using locks, alarms, security cameras, security guards, and insurance.
b. What should we do to keep our passwords secret?
Answer:- To keep our passwords secret, we should create strong and unique passwords for each account, avoid using personal information in our passwords, change our passwords regularly, and never share our passwords with anyone.
c. Mention any two safety measures for shopping with debit cards.
- Shielding the PIN pad while purchasing with debit cards
- Using a chip debit card
d. How can we secure our accounts even when someone finds our password?
Answer:- We can secure our accounts safe by adding the extra layer of security.
e. Why do you think we should make online friends only to familiar people?
Answer:- We should make online friends only with familiar people because it can be risky to trust strangers online. Online friendships can be just as meaningful as in-person ones, but it's important to be cautious and protect our personal information. Some people may not be who they claim to be, and they could have malicious intentions.
g. What can we do to keep our online data safe?
Answer:- We can keep our online data safe by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, being cautious about sharing personal information, using antivirus software, avoiding public Wi-Fi, regularly backing up data, and keeping software up to date with the latest security patches.
E. Have you ever lost your personal data and information while using the internet? Share your experiences in the class.
Answer:- In today's digital age, many people have experienced instances of data breaches, identity theft, or online scams. These incidents can occur through various means such as phishing emails, malware, insecure websites, or even human error like sharing sensitive information unintentionally. It is crucial to be cautious and take preventive measures to safeguard personal data and information online.
It is important to remember that sharing personal experiences related to online data loss or breaches can be sensitive and may vary from person to person. It is advisable to approach such discussions with empathy and respect for everyone's privacy.
 Grammar II 
A. Complete the sentences below with articles a or an.
a. Doctor: What is your problem?
Patient: I have a fever and I feel dizzy.
b. Would you like to be an actor in the future?
c. What a lovely garden you have!
d. We spent half an hour in complete silence.
e. Please keep an eye on our house while we are away. 
f. Mr. Napit has brought a ewe in his farm.
g. Ms Sharma's opinion was criticised as having a one-dimensional perspective.
h. We had to catch an early bus to be here on time.
B. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a, an or the.
a. Could you open the window, please?
b. Did you read the book I gave you last week?
d. All the desks were full. So we had to sit on the floor.
e. Can you play the flute well?
f. You have a lovely house. I am particularly impressed by the living room.
g. The President is elected every five years in Nepal.
h. Do you think that the tourist is from Japan? No, she looks like a European.
i. This is the biggest fish I have ever caught in my life.
h. Bhartmani is known to be a man of action.
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles. If no article is used, put a th the correct articles. If no ar cross (X).
a. Mrs. Paudel went to the school to meet her son's teacher.
b. What time did you get X home yesterday?
c. The Netherlands consists of twelve provinces.
d. X Everest is the pride of our country.
e. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
f. X New Road is a financial hub in Kathmandu.
g. X Aarohan Gurukul Theater was founded in 1982.
h. What did you have for X breakfast this morning?
i. Braille system was developed to help the blind for reading and writing, j. Do you always play X badminton at school?
 Writing II 
Write a newspaper article on "Internet and Cyber Security". Use the following guidelines in your article. Internet and Cyber Security
By Prakash Ojha, March 7
In the modern era, the internet and technology have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the rise of digitalization, we rely on the internet for communication, shopping, banking, entertainment, and more. However, along with its benefits, the internet has also brought a number of security concerns.
The internet is a vast network that is prone to abuse. Cybercriminals and hackers use various tactics to gain access to personal information, steal identities, and disrupt systems. These abuses can have a significant impact on individuals, organisations, and society as a whole.
It is essential to prioritize data privacy and take measures to safeguard our digital lives. Data privacy refers to the protection of personal information and ensuring that it is not accessed, used, or shared without authorization. This can be achieved through various means, such as using strong passwords, installing antivirus software, and being mindful of the information that is shared online.
Moreover, it is crucial to be aware of the various tactics used by cybercriminals and hackers, such as phishing, malware, and social engineering. Phishing involves the use of fraudulent emails or websites to trick individuals into sharing sensitive information, while malware refers to malicious software that can infect systems and steal data. Social engineering involves the manipulation of individuals to gain access to sensitive information.
In conclusion, the internet has revolutionized the way we live our lives, but it also brings with it a host of security concerns. We must take measures to protect our personal information and be aware of the tactics used by cybercriminals and hackers. By prioritizing data privacy, we can safeguard our digital lives and ensure that the internet remains a safe and secure place for everyone.
- Narad Khatiwoda


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