Class 9 (Unit 1) Part II - Travel and Holidays || Class 9 (Unit 1) Part lI - Travel and Holidays exercise 2081


 Unit 1 Travel and Holidays
(Part II)
Reading II
Look at the picture and answer the questions.
a. Where do you think the man in the picture is?
b. Why do you think he has stopped there?
A. Find the words from the text for the following meanings.
a. an area of trees, smaller than a forest
b. strange or unusual
c. the main house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives
d. a set of leather and metal pieces that is put around the body of a horse
e. movement of the air
f. covered in something very soft
a. woods
b.  queer
c. farmhouse
d. harness
e. sweep
f. flake
B. Choose the best answer.
a. Why does the speaker stop while on the journey?
i. to watch the woods filled up with snow
ii. to find food for his or her horse
iii. to say hello to the owner of the woods
iv. to go skating on a frozen lake
b. What is the setting of the poem?
i. the woods on a bright, snowy afternoon
ii. a village on a dark, snowy evening
iii. a frozen lake on a bright, snowy afternoon
iv. the woods on a dark, snowy evening
c. Which one of the following statements is true?
i. The woods are far away from the village.
ii. The woods are near some houses.
iii. The owner of the woods and speaker are friends.
iv. The speaker of the poem does not like the owner of the woods.
d. How did the horse respond when the speaker stopped there?
i. stood calm
ii. did nothing
iii. shook its harness
iv. asked the speaker a question
e. What does 'miles to go before I sleep' mean?
i. The speaker feels tired and sleepy.
ii. The speaker has lots of desires to fulfill.
iii. The speaker has lots of responsibilities to fulfill.
iv. The speaker has a long distance to travel.
C. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box to complete the summary of the poem.
promises        traveller         journey           death   the woods      destination
The poet compares human life with a………. The speaker of the poem is a………... He has to reach his ………before taking a rest. However, he is distracted by the momentary pleasure in the form of……... His companion, the horse, reminds him of his ………….in life. The speaker realises that he has to fulfill many responsibilities before his…………...
a. journey
b. traveller
c. destination
d. the woods
e. promises
f. death
Grammar II
A. Use the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets to complete the sentences.
a. As per the schedule, the train ……….......… (leave) at 3 o'clock.
b. Look, that aeroplane is looking shaky! It …..............…… (crash).
c. My daughter says she ….........… (be) a doctor when she is older.
d. Tomorrow ……..........……… (be) a sunny day, according to the weather forecast.
e.   A: What ….......…… (do) tomorrow evening?
                  B: Nothing special. I think I ………....…… (stay) at home.
f. It’s very stuffy here. Don't worry, I ….................… (open) the windows for you.
g. Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way from here. She …… (run) out of petrol.
h. There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water quickly. It……………(sink).
a. is leaving
b. is going to crash
c. will be
d. will be
e. wii you do
     will stay
f. am opening
g. is going to run
h. is going to sink
Writing II

Write a letter to your friend describing your travel plans for your upcoming holiday or visit. Take help from the following questions to write your letter.   

Submitted by:- sudip jaiswal.

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