class 6 english chapter 3 exercise 2081| class 6 english unit 3 exercise


 Unit 3
Reading I (Beauty and the Beast) Page 33
a. Who are these people?
b. What is the name of the animal in second picture?
c. What does the man do?
a. They are merchant and his daughters.  
b. The name of the animal in the second picture is lion.
c. The man leaves home for work in the town.
A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Column A                                   Column B
a. dense                               i. bad treatment
b. castle                               ii. thick
c. scare                                iii. make a loud noise, as of an animal
d. roar                                 iv. to make a person/animal feel frightened
e. punishment                      v. a large building where the king or other great person resides
a. dense                               i. thick
b. castle                               ii. a large building where the king or other great
     person resides
c. scare                                iii to make a person/animal feel frightened
d. roar                                 iv. make a loud noise, as of an animal
e. punishment                      v. bad treatment
B. Read the text again and write True or False.
a. The youngest daughter’s name was Beauty. True
b. The second daughter asked her father to bring her a dress made of silk. False
c. The merchant reached the castle of beast in the forest. True
d. The beast turned into a beautiful young lady. False
e. Beauty and the young prince lived happily with their family. True
C. Put the following sentences in correct order.
a. The merchant reached to a dangerous beast in the castle.
b. The beast turned into a handsome young prince.
c. Beauty went to the beast to save her other family members.
d. Beauty and the prince lived happily thereafter.
e. The merchant was about to go to a town.
f. Three daughters demanded to bring different things.
g. The merchant reached home with a sad story.
Answer:  a. The merchant was about to go to a town.
b. Three daughters demanded to bring different things.
c. The merchant reached to a dangerous beast in the castle.
d. The merchant reached home with a sad story.
e. Beauty went to the beast to save her other family members.
f. The beast turned into a handsome young prince.
g. Beauty and the prince lived happily thereafter.
D. Answer the following questions.
a. What did the eldest daughter ask her father to bring?
b. What did Beauty ask her father to bring?
c. Why was the beast angry at the merchant?
d. On what condition did the beast let the merchant go home?
e. Why did the sisters want to send Beauty to the beast?
f. What did Beauty see in her dream?
g. Why was the prince punished to be the beast?
a.     a. The eldest daughter asked her father to bring dresses made of silk.
b.     b. Beauty asked her father to bring some roses.
c.     c. The beast was angry at the merchant because he walked and plucked the rose           without permission.
d.     d. The beast let the merchant go home on the condition that he would send his              daughter who wanted roses.
e.        e. The sisters wanted to send Beauty to the beast so that they would be safe.
f.         f. Beauty saw that the beast was very sick in her dream.
g.      g. The prince was punished to be the beast because he used to kill wild animals a         lot.
Reading II (Page 28)
a. What is the text?
b. Do you write a letter to your head teacher? Why?
a. This is an application.
b. We write such letter to our head teacher to ask for leave.

April 5, 2020 
The Principal,
Shree Padmodaya Secondary School
Subject: Application for sick leave
Dear Madam,
With due respect, I would like to inform you that I will not able to come to school tomorrow as I am suffering from fever. The doctor has suggested me to take medicine and take a rest for some days. I’m visiting the doctor tomorrow. Therefore, I request you to grant me a leave for a day. I shall be very grateful to you.
Your obedient student,
Mukesh Sharma
Grade: 6
A. Find the words from the application which mean the following. The first letter has been given.
a. a written request for asking something Application
b. feeling of deep admiration Respect
c. advised Suggested
d. to give or to allow Grant
e. dutiful and disciplined Obedient
B. Fill in the blanks using the words and phrases given in the box.
fever,           April 5, 2020        Principal,    six,    a day,           take medicine and rest
Mukesh is a student of Padmodaya Secondary School. He is studying in Grade six.This is a letter of application for sick leave written by Mukesh to his Principal. It is written on April-5, 2020. Mukesh is suffering from fever. The doctor has advised him to take medicine and rest. Mukesh requests his principal to grant him a leave for a day.
A. Underline and study all the sentences in the previous letter with will or would.
B. Study these sentences.
I will be there tomorrow.
I would meet my aunt if I went to my village.
Could you bring me a notebook?
Can I use your pencil?
C. Complete the sentences with will, would, can and could.
a. Don’t worry. I will do it myself.
b. I am sure it will happen.
c. I hope they will come to meet me tomorrow.
d. If I were you, I would tell about it to the teacher.
e. I would go to hospital if I were sick.
f. Can you please bring me a chart paper?
g. Can you take a message, please?
h. You can go home now.
i. Can I ask you a question?
j. It will be very cold this winter.
A.   Suppose you are suffering from diarrhoea. Write an application to your Head Teacher requesting him/her to grant you a two-day sick leave.
July 14, 2021
The Head Teacher,
Shree Jana Jiwan Secondary School
Khairahani-2, Chitwan
Subject: Application for sick leave
Dear Sir,
Most humbly and respectfully, I beg to state that I will not able to come to school tomorrow as I am suffering from diarrhoea. The doctor has suggested me to take medicine and take a rest for some days. I’m visiting the doctor tomorrow. Therefore, I request you to grant me a one day sick leave. I shall be very grateful to you.
Your obedient student,
Anupam Pandit
Grade: 6
B. Complete the following conversation with appropriate expressions from the box.
I am fine   Can you bring it back tomorrow  I did well    
How are you?       Let's go to the class
Ronish : Hi, Ramila…………..
Ramila : . …………..Thank you.
Ronish : How was your exam yesterday?
Ramila : . …………What about yours?
Ronish : I also did well. Will you please give me your notebook today?
Ramila : Of course. But, I need to read it tomorrow…………………….
Ronish : Sure. Don’t worry.
Ramila : Thank you Ronish. It’s time for our class. ………………
Ronish : Yes, let’s go.
Ronish : Hi, Ramila. How are you?
Ramila : I am fine. Thank you.
Ronish : How was your exam yesterday?
Ramila : I did well. What about yours?
Ronish : I also did well. Will you please give me your notebook today?
Ramila : Of course. But, I need to read it tomorrow. Can you bring it back tomorrow
Ronish : Sure. Don’t worry.
Ramila : Thank you Ronish. It’s time for our class. Let's go to the class

Submitted by:- sudip jaiswal.

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Ronish : Yes, let’s go.

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