What is called the study of silkworm?
a. melittology b. sericulture c. agriculture d. beekeeping
What kind of food do seri-silkworm eat?
a. caster leaf b. mulberry leaf c. caster flower d. mulberry silk
What kind of food do Eri-silkworm (Attacus ricini) eat?
a. caster leaf b. mulberry leaf c. caster flower d. mulberry flower
In how many times does a silkworm larva moult?
a. 2 times b. 3 times c. 4 times d. 5 times
The life cycle of silk moth completes in..........
a. 7 days b. 21 days c. 25 days d. 45 days
In which stage does a silk moth produce silk?
a. egg b. larva c. pupa d. adult
Silkworm belongs to phylum...
a. Mollusca b. annelida c. Echinodermata d. arthropoda
The process of changes from eggs to adult is called........
a. Metamorphosis b. Metamorpism c. Life d. Alternation of generation
Which plant is producing insect is:
a. Mango b. Mulberry c. None of the above d. Banana
The excellent silk producing insect is:
a. Termite b. Bombyx mori c. Bed-bug d. caterpillar
Egg stage of silk-worm lasts for:
a. 20-24 hours b. 5-6 days c. 10-12 days d. 12-14 days
The larva stage of a silkworm completes in about:
a. 10-12 days b. 12-14 days c. 25-32 days d. 35-45 days
pupa stage of silkworm lasts for:
a. 20-24 hours b. 8-10 days c. 12-14 days d. 25-32 days
Adult silkworm survives for about:
a. 1-2 days b. 5-7 days c. 10-15 days d. 15-20 days
During moulting, larva do not eat anything. The stage is known as...........
a. Instar b. Tumble c. Epiphysis d. Imago
Most favourable temperature for hatching of eggs of silkworm is about........
a. 5°C to 10°C b. 10°C to 15°C c. 18°C to 25°C d. 26°C to 30
When mulberry leaves are not available, how can the eggs of silkworm are stored safely to avoid their hatching?
a. Eggs are stored at the temperature less than 25°C b. Eggs are stored at the temperature less than 30°C c. Eggs are stored at the temperature less than 35°C d. Eggs are stored at the temperature more than 35°C
One cocoon of the silkworm yields unbroken silk fibre of about:
a. 500 feet b. 1000 feet c. 2000 ft d. 5000 ft
How much eggs the female silk moth lay?
a. about 100-200 b. about 200-300 c. about 300-400 d. about 400-500
Cocoon is produced due to:
a. Earthworm b. silkworm c. Both d. none
Commercially important cocoon is produced from:
a. Earthworm b. Silkworm c. Both d. None
Why is the cocoon of a silkworm kept in boiling water or a hot oven?
a. Because to destroy the gelatinous substance
b. Because to destroy the egg c. Because to kill the pupa d. None of the above
Bombyx mori is popularly called the Chinese silkworm because
a. The importance of silkworm in silk production was first known in China.
Silk-glands are modified salivary glands developed at the lateral sides of the body of a
a. Larvae b. Egg c. Pupa d. None
In which stages does silkworm feed on mulberry leaves?
a. Bombyx mori b. Moth c. Caterpillar d. Pupa