Unit 1 A Tour to Central Zoo| class 8 english chapter 1 exercise|| class 10 english unit a tour to central zoo exercise



Unit 1

A Tour to Central Zoo

Reading l
A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
Tour = a visit to a place
board = to get on or into a vehicle
explore = to travel to or around an area to learn about it
grand = large and important
amphibian = any animal that can live both on land and in water
B. Answer these questions.
a. What time do the students need to arrive at school? 
Ans: The students need to arrive at school at 9:00am.
b. How long will it take them to reach the zoo from their school?
Ans: It will take them half an hour(30 minutes) to reach the zoo from their school.
c.Why do you think the teacher will take the students' attendance twice?
Ans: I think the teacher will take the students' attendance twice to ensure that all the students are back on the bus.
d. Why do you think the students will explore the zoo in animal groups?
Ans: I think the students will explore the zoo in animal groups because they may be working on a project related to animals.
e. Who should the students contact if they have any problem during the tour?
Ans: The students should contact Mrs. Karki,the English teacher if they have any problem during the tour.
Grammar l
A. Change the following statements into yes/no questions.
a. They could rescue the victims.
Ans: Could they rescue the victims?
b. Linda can win the match.
Ans: Can Linda win the match?
c. Your mother can drive a car.
Ans: Can your mother drive a car?
d. You could help me.
Ans: Could you help me?
e. He would suggest a solution to a problem. 
Ans: Would he suggest a solution to a problem?
f. They would do social work.
Ans: Would they do social work?
g. Your father would take us to the park. 
Ans: Would your father take us to the park?
h. You could come to meet me.
Ans: Could you come,to meet me?
B. Fill in the blanks using can,could and would.Use negation if necessary.
a. I couldn't go to the party last night because i was sick.
b. A:Can Ganesh cook Thakali food? B:Yes, he can.
c. My sister could ride a bike last year, but now she can't.
d. If i had a car, i would drive it around the city.
e. Lots of dinosaurs walked on land, but some could fly or even swi
e. I wish they would take us to visit a new place.
f. I can't read without my reading glasses.Where are they?
g. I would rather go to the cinema today. 
A Request Letter
A. a. having the qualities that you admire and respect = admirable
b. not having enough of something = lacking
c. tools needed for a particular purpose = equipment
d. large in area,amount etc.= vast
e. the programmes used by a computer = software
A. Answer these questions.
a. Who wrote the letter?
Ans: Students of grade 8 wrote the letter.
b. Who is the letter addressed to?
Ans: The letter is addressed to the headteacher of Adarsha Secondary School.
c. Why are the students of Grade 8 grateful to the headteacher?
Ans: The students of Grade 8 are grateful to the headteacher because he has been successful in establishing a computer lab at their school.
d. Why are the students very happy about the computing lab?
Ans: The students are very happy about the computing lab because it provides them with the most up-to-date learning devices. It also helps them gain technological knowledge.
e. List the three issues the students talk about?
- The three issues the students talk about are:
- There are insufficient numbers of computers.
- Only a few computers have the required software installed. The lab does not have an internet connection.
A. These sentences are from the letter.Complete them with the missing words.
a.Grade eight students are grateful for the computer lab.
b.The lab provides us with the most up-to-date learning devices.
C. Complete the following text using the present simple form of the verbs in the brackets.
don't have
doesn't like
Interpreting timetable
The given table shows the timetable of inter-house football tournament of Janata Secondary School.
According to the timetable,there is the opening of the tournament and registration of teams and players on May 3 from 10:00 to 12:00 pm.On the same day,a match starts between Sagarmatha House and Manaslu House from 1.00 PM onwards.
On May 4,the students from Grade 8 will entertain the players and teachers with cultural performance from 10:00,to 12:00, and the match will start from 1.00 PM onwards.

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