Travel and Adventure || Class 10 english unit 14 exercise|| class 10 english chapter travel and adventure exercise



14. Travel and Adventure

A. Complete the sentences below with the correct words from the text.
a. The village nestled comfortably among the hills.
b. The garden was a riot of color.
c. Sophie liked cooking, gardening, and painting concurrently.
d. Prita screamed loudly when she saw the spider on her foot.
e. This is our invaluable opportunity to study in such a resourceful school.
f. He showed no semblance of regret for his crime.
g. We have been the victim of a computer virus recently.
h. We were never subjugated by any foreign country.
B. Read the text again and find where a traveller can do their following things. Then put a tick mark (O) in the correct table.
They can enjoy a collection of different colors on the street walls. - ✓ 
Hang out with local people even at night. - ✓
Meet sadhus and take photographs with them. - ✓
Walk up to the hill and view the Himalayan ranges. - ✓
Watch the sunrise. - ✓
C. Answer these questions.
a. Mention the three things that amazed the writer in Kathmandu.
Answer: The three things that amazed the writer in Kathmandu were the massive size of the city nestled in a green valley surrounded by enormous mountains, the red-brick houses and smiling faces of the people, and the vibrant street art depicting symbols, people, animals, and creative images.
b. What indicates that street art is s rising rising in in Kathmandu Kathmandu?
Answer: The indication that street art is rising in Kathmandu is mentioned in the text, stating that local and international artists are setting up projects in Nepal to send out messages of man-made beauty through street art.
c. Name the two World Heritage Monuments located in Kathmandu.
Answer: The two World Heritage Monuments located in Kathmandu are the Durbar Squares and Patan Durbar Square.
d. How do the Nepalis perceive death, according to the writer?
Answer: According to the writer, the Nepalis perceive death as an everyday experience. The writer mentions visiting Pashupatinath Temple, where people bring the dead for outdoor cremation on the Bagmati River, and how the atmosphere felt calm rather than grisly.
e. What two special things does the writer mention about the Pashupatinath Temple?
Answer: The two special things mentioned about the Pashupatinath Temple are that families hold memorial ceremonies for the deceased, such as making unique offerings and shaving the male relatives' hair, and that genuine sadhus dressed in colourful yellow and orange robes with ashes and long hair and beard can be encountered there.
f. What does Chitwan National Park offer to its visitors?
Answer: Chitwan National Park offers visitors a chance to explore the wild jungle and get close to wildlife, including single-horned rhinos, deer, wild boars, monkeys, and various beautiful birds. It also provides activities such as Jeep safari, canoeing, jungle walk, and cycling around the village.
g. Whom does the writer recommend to visit Chitwan?
Answer: The writer recommends physically active travellers to visit Chitwan National Park.
h. Write any two things that visitors can do in Pokhara.
Answer : Two things that visitors can do in Pokhara are enjoying the clear view of the snow-capped mountains of the Annapurna range from lakeside hotels and participating in paragliding, which the writer describes as the world's best paragliding venue.
i. What is Sarangkot known for?
Answer: Sarangkot is known for being the best place to watch the breathtaking sunrise across the Annapurna Himalaya.
j. How did the writer feel when he was leaving Nepal?
Answer : The writer felt reluctant to leave Nepal when the departure was due and expressed a desire to revisit in a heartbeat, implying a strong emotional attachment and a positive impression of the country.
D. If you were given the a_pE Druity to visit one of the places mentioned in the text, which one would it be? Give reasons for your choice.
Answer: If given the opportunity to visit one of the places mentioned in the text, I would choose Pokhara. The reason for my choice is the breathtaking natural beauty and the range of adventure choices offered in Pokhara.
Firstly, the description of Pokhara in the text paints a picture of a serene and laid-back atmosphere. The clean streets, snow-capped mountains, and the majestic Phewa Lake create a tranquil and picturesque setting. The opportunity to wake up to a view of the Annapurna range from a lakeside hotel sounds truly captivating.
Secondly, Pokhara offers a wide range of adventure activities, with paragliding being highlighted as one of the world's best venues for this thrilling experience. The chance to soar through the sky alongside birds and take in the spectacular scenery
is something that would create unforgettable memories. Additionally, the mention of Sarangkot as the best place to watch the sunrise across the Annapurna Himalaya adds to the allure of Pokhara. Witnessing the mountains painted with hues of purple, pink, and gold as the sun slowly emerges would be a mesmerising and awe-inspiring sight.
Overall, Pokhara combines the elements of natural beauty, tranquility, and adventure, making it an enticing destination for exploration and relaxation.
Grammar I
A. Match the sentences in column A with their question tags in column B.
a. They don't need to come this evening, do they?
b. James is working on that, isn't he?
c. Punam's parents have been retired, haven't they?
d. It was raining that day, wasn't it?
e. You hadn't met me before, had you?
f. He never came again, did he?
g. She can rarely come these days, can she?
h. You hardly ever came late, did you?
i. I barely know you, do I?
j. You would scarcely expect her to know that, would you?
k. Nothing will happen, will it?
I. I'm right, aren't I?
m. You have to go, don't you?
n. I have been answering, haven't I?
o. Nothing came in the post, did it?
B. Supply the correct question tags.
a. This'll work, won't it?
b. Well, I couldn't help it, could I?
c. But you don't really love her, do you?
d. We'd never have known, would we?
e. The weather's bad, isn't it?
f. You won't be late, will you?
g. Nobody knows, do they?
h. You have a bath daily, don't you?
i. You couldn't help me, could you?
j. Shut up, will you?
k. She's been working hard the whole day, hasn't she?
I. He's admitted to Patan Hospital last night, hasn't he?
m. You can make it, can't you?
n. Don't forget, will you?
o. Let's have some fun, shall we?
p. Let us chat, shall we?
q. Your phone didn't break down, did it?
Writing I
Write a short travelogue featuring a place that you have recently visited. Use the clues given below.
Exploring the Enchanting City of Barcelona Introduction:
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the captivating city of Barcelona, a place known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and architectural marvels. It was a meticulously planned trip that allowed me to immerse myself in the beauty and charm of this remarkable destination. Accompanied by my close friends, we embarked on this journey with a sense of adventure and curiosity, eager to explore all that Barcelona had to offer.
Planning the Trip:
Months in advance, we meticulously planned our itinerary, researching the must-visit landmarks, popular attractions, and local experiences. We gathered information about the famous works of Antoni Gaudí, such as the breathtaking Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, and made sure to include them in our plans. We also discovered hidden gems like the Gothic Quarter and the vibrant La Boqueria market, where we could truly immerse ourselves in the local culture and cuisine.
Travel Companions:
I was fortunate to travel with a group of close friends who shared my passion for exploration and adventure. Together, we formed an enthusiastic and dynamic team, supporting each other throughout the journey. Our collective excitement and shared experiences made the trip even more memorable.
Special Purpose:
While our primary purpose was to indulge in the beauty and culture of Barcelona, we also wanted to delve deeper into the city's history and art. We made it a point to visit renowned museums like the Picasso Museum and the Joan Miró Foundation, where we gained valuable insights into the artistic heritage of the region. Memorable Activities and Experiences:
Barcelona offered us a myriad of unforgettable activities and experiences. We marveled at the intricate architecture of the iconic Sagrada Familia, standing in awe of its grandeur and unique design. Exploring the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, we were transported back in time, surrounded by medieval buildings and charming squares. The mesmerizing light and sound show at the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc left us captivated, showcasing the city's artistic spirit. Another highlight of our trip was indulging in the local cuisine. We savored traditional tapas, paella, and freshly prepared seafood dishes at local restaurants. The lively atmosphere of the city's dining establishments added an extra layer of enjoyment to our culinary adventures.
Important Lessons Learned:
Through my journey in Barcelona, I learned the significance of embracing diverse cultures and immersing oneself in new experiences. The city's blend of modernity and tradition taught me the importance of preserving history while embracing innovation. I also discovered the value of traveling with like-minded companions, as sharing moments of awe and wonder enhances the overall experience.
My visit to Barcelona was an enriching and awe-inspiring adventure. From the architectural wonders to the vibrant streets, the city captivated me in ways I had never imagined. The meticulously planned trip, coupled with the company of dear friends, made it an experience to cherish forever. Barcelona holds a special place in my heart, and I am grateful for the memories and lessons it has bestowed upon me.
A. Find the words from the poem that are similar in meaning to the following words/phrases.
a. a brief and usually light fall of rain - "shower"
b. sings - "warbles"
c. young women - "maids"
d. to tumble about; throw into disorder - "scatter"
e. baby birds - "nestlings"
f. dislikes - "hates"
g. a dull greyish-brown color - "drab"
h. beat or sound with a strong, regular rhythm - "throb"
i. small rivers; streams - "brooks"
B. Answer these questions.
a. What do the nestlings do in the spring?
Answer: The nestlings fly in the spring.
b. What does the nightingale do?
Answer: The nightingale bills (sings) his best.
c. How do the girls come out in spring?
Answer: The girls come out in spring by dressing in spring-muslin.
d. What plan do people make?
Answer: People make plan to visit different places in the south and west.
e. What happens to beeches in winter?
Answer: Beeches turn brown and dun (a brownish grey colour) in winter.
f. Where do rooks go? Why do they migrate?
Answer: Rooks go to their homes or nests. They migrate because of a variety of reasons. Their migration is especially for their successful survival and reproduction.
g. Does the poet enjoy the winter or the spring? Why?
Answer: The poet enjoys the spring weather. It is because he has presented his enjoyment through his repetitive phrase "And so do I". This phrase suggests that he also enjoys the spring same as cuckoo, nestlings, nightingale, maids, and citizens who dream of the south and west.
C. Complete the interpretation of the poem using suitable words or phrases given below.
The poem 'Weathers' was composed by an English poet, Thomas Hardy. He talks about two different seasons which are the spring and the winter.
In the first stanza, the pleasant spring season is described. Cuckoo and nightingale feel good in this season. The light rain flows over the pointed leaves of chestnut tree. The poet is pleased as the nightingale sings at his best tune. People come out of their houses to enjoy the weather and the birds' song. The young girls are seen in their fine clothes.
The people plan to visit different places of south and west. To an English person, the south and the west are associated with summer holiday destinations, where the weather at that time is often warm and sunny and many coastal towns provide welcoming accommodations and amusements.
The poet likes this weather as it is liked by all the birds, animals, and humans as well.
In the second stanza, he talks about the winter's coldness and severity. All the natural beauty turns into dullness and discomfort. The cuckoo hates this weather. The beeches turn dry and brown as their leaves are threshed by the wind. The water drops hang from the wooden bars of gates. One can see some streams overflow as it has been raining a lot. The rooks fly to their homes as harshness of winter gradually grows. The poet dislikes the winter season because it is very cold and wet.
Symbolically the poet tries to state the bright and dark aspects of hu- man life and the word 'weathers' indicates human life. The spring represents the bright whereas the winter represents the dark aspects of our life.
D. In which season would you like to travel? Why?
Answer :
If you enjoy mild weather, blooming flowers, and vibrant landscapes, you might prefer traveling during the spring season. It's a time of renewal and rejuvenation, with pleasant temperatures and the beauty of nature coming to life.
On the other hand, if you prefer warm weather, outdoor activities, and longer days, summer can be an ideal season for travel. It offers opportunities for beach trips, hiking, and exploring various attractions and festivals.
Autumn, with its colorful foliage and cooler temperatures, can be a great choice for those who appreciate scenic beauty and a more relaxed atmosphere. It's a wonderful time for nature walks, visiting vineyards, and enjoying the harvest season.
For individuals who enjoy winter sports, snowy landscapes, or festive celebrations, winter can be a fantastic season to travel. It offers opportunities for skiing, snowboarding, visiting Christmas markets, and experiencing unique winter activities.
Ultimately, the best season to travel depends on your personal preferences, the activities you enjoy, and the specific destination you have in mind. Consider the climate, events, and attractions available during each season to make an informed decision and create memorable travel experiences.
Grammar II
A. Add suitable question tags.
a. I'd rather go travelling, wouldn't I?
b. Everything is okay, isn't it?
c. I shan't be in your position, shall I?
d. I don't think he'll come soon, won't he?
e. Let's not have cold drinks, shall we? Nepal
f. All is well, isn't it?
g. There is a coffee shop near the gate, isn't there?
h. Nothing was there, was it?
i. The car sped along the road, didn't it?
j. He's got a very peculiar voice, hasn't he?
k. Asmina, bring me your pen, will you?
I. Nawaraj seldom plays cards, does he?
m. Everyone will be satisfied with my job, won't they?
n. None met me last week, did they?
o. Everything is perishable, isn't it?
p. I think he's busy, isn't he?
Writing II
Prepare a brochure of a touristic place in your locality. Include the following points:
i. Name of the place 
ii. Location
iii. Accessibility 
iv. Major attractions
v. Entry requirements (if any) 
vi. Contanct information
Discover Amazing Nature-Related Stories in Suklaphata National Park Name and Location:
Suklaphata National Park is a famous national park of Nepal located in the Terai of the far western region of Nepal. It is located in Kanchanpur district. It consists of 305 km² of wonderful open grasslands, forests, river banks and tropical wetlands at altitudes of 174 to 1,386 metres. It is bounded by the Mahakali River on the west and south. This national park was established in 2017 AD.
Suklaphata National Park is easily accessible by bus from Bhimdatta. Tourists coming from other parts of the country have to take a domestic flights to reach Dhangadi Airport and then take a taxi or bus to Bhimdatta. It is 24.1 km away from Bhimdatta Bazar. This national park is connected to the Indian border.
Major Attractions:
This national park is very famous. Most of the tourists from all over the country and from abroad come and explore this unique place for enjoyment and entertainment. Due to the beautiful landscapes here, tourists can spend a wonderful time here. They can enjoy their trip by indulging in various activities mentioned below.
1. Jungle jeep safari gives them a chance to see different types of animals and flora before their very eyes.
2. Elephant ride gives them the view of wild animals as well as the enjoyment of greenery all around.
3. They get a chance to observe the natural activities around them.
4. They get a chance to see the beautiful view of the Mahakali River in the west and south.
5. They may get a chance to make extraordinary experiences in their life.
6. They get an opportunity to know about the people and the culture of the Far Western region. Tharu dance is the centre of attraction here. They experience the uniqueness of this cultural dance.
7. They will not have to worry about night stay. Night stay facility is also available for visitors.
8. Tourists can spend their comfortable nights in jungle cottages at very affordable prices with Nepalese hospitality.
Entry Requirements:
Visitors to Nepal do not require any documents for their entry. They can easily enter by buying tickets at the counters. But foreign visitors have to show their foreign documents along with the ticket. There is no additional charge on tickets for overseas visitors.
Contact information:
If you need further information or inquiries regarding our facilities, please feel free to contact us.
Shuklaphanta National Park; Sudurpaschim Province Kanchanpur, Nepal Leaning Nepal

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