Science and Experiment || Class 10 english unit 5 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 5 exercise



5. Science and Experiment
Reading I
A. Find the words from the text that have the following meanings.
a. the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level
b. a group of atoms bonded together
c. a state in which opposing forces are balanced
d. to change from a gas or vapour to a liquid
- condense
e. a piece of unreliable information that is repeated so often that it is accepted as the fact
- factoid
f. a space or container from which the air has been removed
- vacuum
g. a device that is used to remove blockages from the drain of a basin or tub
B. Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases from the text.
a. Water bubbles break down if vapour pressure inside and outside the bubbles is equal.
b. As the altitude goes up, the boiling point of water decreases.
c. Random motion of molecules or particles is called thermal motion.
d. If the door does not open, try pushing. the key in the lock.
e. Certain chemicals can induce. undesirable changes in the nervous system.
C. Answer these questions.
a. What is the speed of the water particles compared with?
- The speed of the water particles is compared with the height of a group of adult humans.
b. How are bubbles formed in the boiling water?
- Bubbles are formed in boiling water when water molecules have enough energy to push back other water molecules in the liquid phase.
c. Mention two things on which external pressure depends.
- External pressure depends on the depth of water and the density of water.
d. How is the atmosphere related to the pressure of water?
- The atmosphere is related to the pressure of water as it contributes to the total pressure on the surface of the liquid. The atmosphere pushes down on the surface of the liquid, which increases the pressure in the liquid. So, the pressure of water is affected by both the atmospheric pressure and the pressure exerted by the water itself.
e. What would happen if the atmospheric pressure on the liquid water was decreased?
- If the atmospheric pressure on the liquid water was decreased, it would also decrease the pressure in the liquid. If the pressure is reduced enough to bring it down to the same level as the vapor pressure, the water particles will have enough energy to form boiling bubbles without needing to increase the temperature.
f. What would the experimenter gain if s/he pulled the plunger out?
If the experimenter pulls the plunger out, it would decrease the pressure in the liquid and induce boiling.
D. What would happen on the Earth if there were no gravity?
- If there was no gravity on Earth, everything would float away into space, including people, animals, and objects. This is because gravity is what holds objects with mass to the surface of the planet.
In the absence of gravity, objects would have no weight and would be weightless, which would be a fascinating experience for a short period of time.
In addition to the impact on Earth, the loss of gravity would also have significant consequences for space travel. Without gravity, it would be impossible for spacecraft to orbit the Earth or other celestial bodies, making it difficult to explore and study space.
Grammar I
A. Match the clauses in column A with their appropriate continuation in column B.
B. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of verbs in brackets.
a. If it is cold. I will wear (wear) a coat.
b. If Purna helps with the housework, his mother will have (have) more time for him.
c. If I were a bird, I would make (make) a good observation of the land below.
d. If I went (go) to Mustang. I would visit Muktinath.
e. If I Were (be) a billionaire, I would buy a castle.
f. You'd save petrol if you drove (drive) more carefully.
g. Say 'hello' if you see (see) her.
h. Provided that you consent (consent). I will take a few days' leave next week.
i. Take care of the pence, the pounds will take (take) care of themselves.
Reading II
A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.
a. eternal - vii. never-ending
b. impalpable - v. not easily understood
c. vaguely - ii. unclearly
d. descend - i. come down
e. lave-vi. to pour out as water
f. atomies - iii. indivisible particles
g. reck - iv. to take care of
B. Fill in the blanks choosing the words given below.
a. The river ran dry during the drought.
b. It is still inpalpable to understand how the earth originated.
c. The company produces a wide variety of make up and skin care products designed to gently and effectively beautify human skin.
d. His greatest ambition is to sail around the globe.
e. Without training, his musical talent remained latent .
f. What recks it whether they win or lose?
C. Complete the summary of the poem using suitable words or phrases given below.
1 - ascends 
2 - originality 
3 - mysterious 
5 - quenches 
6 - showers 
7 - heal
8 - condensation 
9 - rhythm
D. Answer the following questions.
a. What are the two voices in the poem? Who do they belong to?
Ans: The two voices in the poem are of the poet or speaker and the rain.
b. How is the cyclic movement of the rain shown in the poem?
Ans: Clouds originate from the earth. Due to the heat of the sun, water vapours rise upwards from rivers, ponds and the sea. They move in the sky but they are essentially water in gaseous form. They take the form of clouds and come down to the earth again in the form of rain. This cyclic movement goes on and on forever. This scientific phenomenon has been explained in a beautiful manner by the poet.
c. Why are the showers necessary for the Earth?
Ans: The showers are necessary for the earth because they provide moisture to the plants and animals, wash away dust and pollutants, and help in the purification and beautification of the earth.
d. How are the rain and music similar?
The rain and music are similar because both of them have a rhythm and a power to calm, heal, transform, and thrill.
e. How are the clouds formed?
Ans: The clouds are formed when water vapor rises from the earth and then cools and condenses into tiny droplets, which then accumulate and form larger droplets that eventually fall to the earth as rain.
f. List the pairs of opposite words in the poem.
Ans: The the pairs of opposite words in the poem are: 
reck'd/unreck'd (recked/unrecked)
E. What may happen on the Earth if it does not rain for a long time? Discuss in a group.
If it does not rain for a long time on the Earth, there would be droughts, which could lead to crop failures, food shortages, and famine. It could also lead to a shortage of drinking water, which could cause health problems and even social unrest.


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