Nature and Development || Class 10 english unit 12 exercise|| class 10 english unit nature and development exercise



12. Nature and Development
Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track:
A Project of National Pride
B. Complete the following sentences choosing the best alternatives.
a. The total length in KTFT from Khokana to Nijgadh is 72.5 km. 
b. Nepal can reduce the consumption of petroleum products after completing KTFT as it shortens travel time.
c. The main challenge of the project upon completion is establishing link roads.
d. According to the writer, the success of completing the project depends on socio-economic benefits.
C. Answer these questions.
a. What type of project is Kathmandu- Terai/Madhesh Fast Track?
Answer: Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track is a mega highway project of strategic importance in Nepal.
b. How is KTFT going to reduce the consumption of petrol in Nepal?
Answer: KTFT is going to reduce the consumption of petrol in Nepal by shortening travel time, which leads to daily fuel savings.
c. Will this project help promote tourism in Nepal? How?
Answer: Yes, this project will help promote tourism in Nepal. The enhanced connectivity provided by KTFT opens upoptions for tourists entering Nepal through the southern border. Additionally, tourists from beyond India will also have the option to travel to Nepal via the fast track.
d. How does this project contribute to the development of high-skill human resources in Nepal?
Answer: The project contributes to the development of high-skill human resources in Nepal by introducing new technologies and structures like high bridges and twin tunnels. The people involved in KTFT will have the opportunity to learn and sharpen their knowledge and skills in these areas.
e. How does the project help the people living in the Eastern Terai?
Answer: The project helps the people living in the Eastern Terai by providing better accessibility and connectivity to Kathmandu. It allows for shorter travel distances at higher speeds, facilitating access to health, education, jobs, new markets, and the Nijgadh International Airport, which is currently under construction.
D. How is KTFT likely to affect the environment?
Answer: The construction and operation of the Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (KTFT) project are likely to have both positive and negative effects on the environment. Here are some potential environmental Impacts:
1. Deforestation: During the construction phase, clearing land for the project can result in deforestation. This removal of trees and vegetation can lead to habitat loss, soil erosion, and disruption of ecosystems.
2. Air Pollution: Construction activities, such as rock blasting, quarrying, and dumping of filling particles, can generate dust and particulate matter, contributing to air pollution. The accumulation of air pollutants can have adverse effects on air quality and human health.
3. Noise Pollution: The construction and operation of the fast track may generate significant noise, particularly in nearby residential areas. This can have negative impacts on wildlife, livestock, and human well-being.
4. Wildlife Disruption: The fast track's construction can fragment natural habitats, disrupt wildlife corridors, and limit animal movement. This can lead to changes in wildlife behaviour, loss of biodiversity, and potential negative consequences for local ecosystems.
5. Water Pollution: Improper waste management during construction, including the disposal of construction materials and chemicals, can result in water pollution. Runoff from the project site may carry sediments, pollutants, and debris into nearby water bodies, affecting water quality and aquatic life.
It is important to note that environmental impacts can be mitigated through proper planning, implementation of environmental management plans, and adherence to regulations and best practices. Environmental assessments, monitoring programs, and mitigation measures should be employed to minimise the negative effects of KTFT on the environment.
 Grammar I 
A. Match the sentence halves in A with B to form sentences.
a. Hurry up! We're leaving in ten minutes.
b. They'll be watching a movie in a theatre.
c. We will have arrived home by this time Sunday.
d. It's definite. My friends and I are going to travel next winter.
e. I think he will be rich and famous one day.
f. I will have arrived at this time next week.
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb; in brackets. Use the future simple, be going to, future perfect or future continuous. ng Nepal
a. As per the schedule, the exam will start at exactly 11 o'clock. 
b. See you at the airport! I will be carrying an orange suitcase. 
c. Don't worry! I won't leave without you.
d. We certainly will not finish all the work by this week.
e. Sagun has decided that he will invite some of her friends for dinner after work.
f. Did the receptionist remember to call the students this afternoon? 
g. What will you be doing on the weekend? 
h. I will not work tomorrow so we can go shopping. 
i. If you touch the stove, you will burn yourself. 
j. Next week at this time we will be flying to Dubai for a trip.
 Writing I 
There may be different development works ongoing in your community. Study one of them and write a report on it. Take the text in Reading I as a sample..
Title: Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track: A Project of National Pride
Introduction: The Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (KTFT) is a mega highway project of strategic importance in Nepal. It is an infrastructure project that aims to enhance connectivity and accelerate economic growth in the country. In this report, we will explore the details of the project, its potential benefits, and the challenges it faces.
Project Overview: The KTFT is a 72.5 km long fast track that will connect Khokana, Lalitpur with Nijgadh, Bara at the East-West highway junction. The project consists of a road with a total length of 55.49 km, 87 bridges with a total length of 10.60 km, and three twin tunnels with a total length of 6.41 km. The construction of the fast track is expected to reduce the travel time between Kathmandu and Terai to approximately one hour.
Potential Benefits:
1. Accelerating the country's economic growth: The KTFT will contribute to connecting Kathmandu and Terai more closely. The reduced travel distance will result in daily fuel savings, potentially exceeding NRs. five billion. This enhanced connectivity will have positive implications for the economic growth of Nepal. Leaning Nenal
2. Development of high skill human resources: The construction of KTFT involves complex structures like high bridges and twin tunnels. The project will introduce new technologies to Nepal, providing an opportunity for Nepali people to enhance their knowledge and skills in these areas.
3. Employment opportunities: The project will create job opportunities for the young population of the country. These new job opportunities will contribute to improving the economic conditions of families.
4. Kathmandu-Terai accessibility: KTFT will provide a shorter travel distance and higher speed connectivity between Kathmandu and Nijgadh. This accessibility will benefit the people of Terai in various aspects such as health, education, jobs, and new markets. It will also facilitate the Nijgadh International Airport, connecting it efficiently to the capital.
5. Reduction in the high density of the Kathmandu Valley: With the operation of KTFT, the distance from Kathmandu to Terai will be limited to an hour. This will allow people from faraway places to access the facilities of Kathmandu without the need to settle there, reducing the congestion and density of the Kathmandu Valley.
1. Road-user behaviour and traffic safety: The introduction of a more advanced infrastructure like KTFT can pose challenges in terms of road-user behaviour and traffic safety. The higher design speed of the fast track can increase the risk of road accidents.
2. Establishment of link roads: After the completion of KTFT, ensuring smooth connectivity with neighbouring highways and cities through link roads will be crucial. Without well-established supporting link roads, the effectiveness of KTFT may be compromised.
3. Environmental impact: The construction of a large infrastructure project like KTFT can have adverse effects on the environment. These may include air pollution from dust particles during rock blasting, quarrying, and filling activities. Deforestation during the construction phase can also contribute to environmental degradation.
Conclusion: The Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track is a project of national pride in Nepal. It holds the potential to accelerate the country's economic growth, create employment opportunities, and improve accessibility between Kathmandu and Terai. However, it also faces challenges related to road safety, establishment of link roads, and environmental impact. With proper planning, implementation, and mitigation measures, KTFT has the potential to bring significant benefits to Nepal and its people.
Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802
"Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" is a sonnet by William Wordsworth that captures the poet's awe- inspiring experience as he crosses Westminster Bridge in London. The poem describes the tranquillity and beauty of the cityscape during the early morning hours. Wordsworth marvels at the sight of London's architectural marvels, the flowing River Thames, and the surrounding natural landscape. Despite the bustling city and its urban activities, the poet finds a moment of stillness and profound appreciation for the harmony between nature and human creation. The poem celebrates the power of nature to evoke powerful emotions and highlights Wordsworth's ability to find beauty in the ordinary aspects of life.
A. Consult a dictionary and write the meanings of the following words.
a. doth: an archaic form of the verb "do," used in the third person singular present tense, indicating an action or state performed by someone or something.
b. majesty: grandeur, dignity, or impressive beauty that commands respect or admiration; the quality or state of being majestic.
c. domes: rounded, usually roof-like structures that often form a part of a building or monument, typically with a circular or polygonal base and a curved or pointed top.
d. glittering: shining or sparkling brightly with reflected light; having a brilliant or captivating appearance.
e. splendour: great beauty, elegance, or magnificence; impressive and visually stunning features or qualities.
f. glideth: an archaic form of the verb "glide," used in the third person singular present tense, indicating a smooth, effortless, or graceful movement.
g. mighty: possessing great power, strength, or influence; exceptionally large, impressive, or formidable.
B. Complete the summary of the poem choosing the correct words/phrases.
Answer: A speaker shares his impressions of the view from Westminster Bridge in the poem 'Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" by William Wordsworth. The speaker finds the city of London with the countryside in the Earth, creating the most beautiful scene. According to him, anyone who does not stop at the Westminster Bridge to see the scene that morning should be dull. The city wins the heart of the speaker as it is wearing straightforward magnificence.
It is early morning when the speaker describes the majesty of the city. The various landmarks visible from the bridge stand before him in all their glittering splendour in the morning light. The speaker finds himself lucky as there is no "London fog" to hide the view. According to the speaker, the sun is shining on the buildings as it shines on the countryside. He is also surprised to feel more peace in the bustling city of London than anywhere else. The River Thames moves slowly beneath him. He also thinks that the city is happily asleep before another busy day.
C. Answer these questions.
a. When was the poem composed?
Answer: The poem "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802" was composed on September 3, 1802.
b. According to the speaker, who is dull of soul?
Answer: According to the speaker, anyone who does not stop at Westminster Bridge to see the scene that morning is dull of soul.
c. How does the poet describe the beauty of morning?
Answer: The poet describes the beauty of morning as having a majestic and serene quality. He lhighlights the stillness and peacefulness of the city in the early morning light.
d. What does the word 'garment' refer to? Who is wearing it?
Answer: The word 'garment' refers to the clothing or attire of the city of London. The poet describes the city as wearing the garment of straightforward magnificence.
e. How does the poet feel when he sees such a beautiful sight?
Answer: When the poet sees such a beautiful sight, he feels a sense of awe and wonder. He is deeply moved by the scene and feels a connection to the beauty of nature and the city.
f. Why does the poet use the words like: valley, rock and hill?
Answer: The poet uses words like "valley," "rock," and "hill" to create a contrast between the natural landscape and the urban environment. By employing these nature-related terms, the poet emphasizes the beauty of London's cityscape and portrays it as harmoniously blending with the surrounding natural elements.
g. What impression of London does the speaker create? How does he do that?
Answer: The speaker creates an impression of London as a magnificent and awe-inspiring city. He portrays it as a place of grandeur and beauty, highlighting its architectural landmarks and the peacefulness of the morning scene. The speaker achieves this by using vivid imagery, describing the glittering buildings, the calm river, and the radiant sunlight that bathes the city.
h. What is the main theme of the poem?
Answer: The main theme of the poem is the sublime beauty and peacefulness of nature and the city. The poet expresses his profound appreciation for the captivating scene he witnesses on Westminster Bridge. The poem celebrates the harmony between urban life and the natural world, highlighting the transformative power of beauty and the profound effect it can have on the human spirit.
D. Does your city or village look similar to London early in the morning? Tell your friends.
Answer: Subject: The Serene Beauty of Our City in the Early Morning
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. Today, I wanted to share with you the enchanting sight that I witnessed in our city during the early morning hours. As I was strolling through our streets, I couldn't help but notice the resemblance to the peaceful and breathtaking scene described in William Wordsworth's poem "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802."
tain charm Our city, like London, possesses a certain charm and tranquillity during the early hours of the day. The gentle rays of the rising sun cast a golden glow upon the buildings, and the streets seem to be calmly awakening from their slumber. The air is fresh, and a sense of serenity envelopes the surroundings.
While we may not have the grand architectural wonders of London, our cityscape has its own unique appeal. The soft hues of the buildings blend harmoniously with the natural elements around us. The nearby river mirrors the radiant sky above, creating a picturesque reflection that soothes the soul.
I encourage each of you to take a moment in the early morning to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Whether it's a quiet walk through the streets, a peaceful moment by the riverbank, or simply gazing at the gentle hills and valleys in the distance, there is a certain magic to be found in the stillness of the early hours.
Let us embrace and celebrate the beauty of our city, just as Wordsworth celebrated the beauty of London. Share your experiences and impressions with one another, and perhaps we can discover hidden gems and unique perspectives that make our city even more special.
Wishing you all peaceful mornings filled with sights and a deep connection to the beauty of our surroundings, awe-inspiring Warm regards, [Your Name]
 Grammar II 
A. Choose the correct answers and complete the text.
Answer: My uncle's family usually comes to stay with us for Dashain, but this Dashain we are going to visit them instead. They live in a village in Kalikot. I can hardly wait. I will have a fantastic time there. School holidays will start on Friday, and we are going to leave the following morning. At this time next week, I will be trekking to Rara Lake with my cousin, Sunil. He's an experienced trekker, and I will be practicing rock climbing with him every day. On the last day of our visit, Sunil's dad is going to take us to visit Manma, the district headquarters. I hope by then I will have explored a lot about the life of people in Karnali. I will have got a lot of experience of trekking by the time we get back to Kathmandu after Dashain.
B. Complete each sentence using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the future simple, be going to.future continuous, future perfect tenses or future perfect continuous tenses.
a. Tennis practice starts at 10, and we plan to play for two hours. By 12 o'clock, we will have finished. 
b. The phone is ringing! I will answer the phone.
c. Do you want to come to the disco with us? Are you coming?
d. Look at those clouds. It is going to rain.
e. Let's hurry up. The children are alone at home. By the time we reach home, the children will have been staying alone at home for two hours.
 Writing II 
B. Imagine you are the secretary of the Child Club of your school. Write a notice on behalf of your Child Club about a program that you are going to organize soon.
Subject: Child Club Programme Announcement Dear Students,
We are pleased to inform you that the Child Club of our school is organising a special programme for all students. This programme aims to provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents and engage se their in various fun-filled activities.
Event: Talent Show and Fun Activities
Date: [Date of the Event]
Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]
Venue: [Location/ Auditorium]
The programme will consist of a Talent Show where students can demonstrate their skills in singing, dancing, acting, poetry recitation, or any other talent they possess. This is a wonderful platform to exhibit your abilities and receive appreciation from fellow students and teachers.
Additionally, we have arranged various fun activities, including games, art and craft workshops, face painting, and much more. It will be an exciting day filled with laughter and enjoyment.
We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and making this event a grand success. Let's come together as a vibrant community and celebrate the talents and creativity of our fellow students. For any queries or further information, please feel free to contact ase feel fre [Contact Person/Details].
Best Regards,
Thank you.
[Your Name] 
Secretary, Child Club


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