Games And Sports || Class 10 english unit 10 exercise|| class 10 english chapter 10 exercise



10. Games And Sports
A. Complete the sentences with the words given below.
[exquisite, inherited, underworld, embroidered, stew, decreed, mounted, rejoicing, furious, lush]
a. We are having stew for lunch today.
b. The demon was sent to the underworld for his disobedience to the gods.
c. The sleeves of his coat were embroidered gold.
d. Smita was absolutely furious at having been cheated. 
e. Her wedding dress was absolutely exquisite
f. The prince inherited the kingship after his father's death.
g. There was great rejoicing when the Nepali Football Team won SAFF U-19 championship.
h. The king mounted his horse and rode away from the palace.
i. The government decreed that the following day would be a holiday on the occasion of Eid.
j. It was wonderful to spend a week in the lush countryside.
B. Write if the following statements are true, false or not given based on the information given in the text.
a. Tantalus' father Zeus was also half god and half man. - NG
b. Tantalus wanted to take revenge with the gods. - NG
c. The gods revived Pelops to rule in Elis. - Fasle
d. Princess Hippodamia was impressed with Pelops at first sight. - True
e. Hippodamia wanted to kill the king so that she could inherit the kingdom. - False
f. The Olympic Games were not held for about 1,500 years due to the fear of the earthquake. - False
g. In every Olympic Games the torch is carried from Greece. - True
C. Answer these questions.
a. Who was Tantalus?
= Tantalus was a figure from ancient Greek mythology who was half-god and half-human. His father was Zeus, the king of the gods.
b. Why were the gods angry with him?
= The gods were angry with Tantalus because he decided to kill his son Pelops and serve him as a stew to the gods at a dinner he was hosting.
c. What punishment did gods give Tantalus?
= As punishment for his crime, the gods sent Tantalus to the underworld where he was made to stand in water up to his neck forever.
d. What unique qualities did the horses of the king and Pelops have?
= The horses given to Pelops by the gods were snow-white and could run faster than the wind. The king's horses were magical and could run faster than lightning.
e. What was the risk of proposing to Princess Hippodamia?
= The risk of proposing to Princess Hippodamia was that if Pelops lost the chariot race against her father, he would be executed.
f. How did the stable boy help pelops win the race?
= The stable boy helped Pelops win the race by replacing the bronze pins that held the wheels of the king's chariot with pins made of candle wax. When the race began, the wax melted, causing the wheels to fall off and the king's chariot to crash, allowing Pelops to win.
g. How did the king die?
= The king died after the wheels of his chariot flew off during a horse race with Pelops. The wax pins that held the wheels in place had melted in the heat, causing the chariot to crash and the king to be thrown to his death.
h. Why did Pelops and Hippodamia organise a feast?
= Pelops and Hippodamia organised a feast to celebrate the victory of Pelops in the chariot race against the old king.
i. How did the events of the feast become the Origin of modern Olympic Games?
= The events of the feast became the origin of the modern Olympic Games because Pelops established a tradition of holding athletic competitions in honour of Zeus, which eventually led to the creation of the Olympic Games. Leaning Nepal
j. How is the Olympic torch lit?
= The Olympic torch is lit from the rays of the sun on the Olympic fields in Greece.
A. Complete the text below with the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense of verbs in the brackets. Kaski, Pokhara 21 August Hi Nima!
Just a quick note from Pokhara. We have been here for two days now. We..have been staying... in a hotel in Lakeside since we arrived. By now, we have already. visited... many places of interest here, I feel really excited to be here. We......... (not be ) to Sarangkot yet. We plan to go there too. I have always wished to go paragliding have been convincing..... my parents for this. How have you been spending your holidays? I guess you have been visiting your grandparents. Please have a great time. We will have great fun back at school.
With love, 
B. Complete the sentences below with the present perfect or resent perfect continuous tense of the verbs given in the brackets.
a. Siddhartha has learned to drive in just ten years.
b. It has been raining all summer. There have been floods and landslides in many places.
c. Palden: You must have finished the book. I think you have been reading it since last week.
Ricky: No, I haven't finished it yet. Actually, I started it just yesterday.
d. What have you been cooking for so long?
e. You have promised to help me many times. You really need to help me today..
f. The children have their exams next week. So they have been preparing a lot.
g. The film is really wonderful. Have you watched it yet?
h. Sitaram has been painting his house all day. He has not finished it yet.
i. Finally, they have fixed the leakage in their roof.
j. I am so tired now. I have worked hard lately.
A. Read the following paragraph about a popular footballer and answer the questions.
a. Which sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
= The topic sentence of the paragraph is "English footballer David Beckham became a popular player in the late 1990s."
b. Are the other sentences related to the topic sentence?
= Yes, the other sentences in the paragraph are related to the topic sentence. They provide additional information about Beckham's popularity, his skills as a player, his leadership qualities, and his achievements.
c. Which sentence condudes the paragraph?
= The sentence that concludes the paragraph is "He is still loved by many even after his retirement."
d. Are the topic and concluding sentences similar or different?
= The topic and concluding sentences are different. The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph, which is Beckham's popularity, while the concluding sentence summarizes the paragraph by stating that he is still loved by many even after his retirement.
B. Write a similar paragraph about your favourite player. Mark the topic, supporting and concluding sentences in your paragraph.
One of my favourite football players is Lionel Messi. Messi is an Argentine professional footballer who currently plays for Paris Saint-Germain Football Club in France. He rose to fame as a player of Barcelona Football Club in Spain, where he spent most of his career. Messi is widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, including seven Ballon d'Or awards given to the best player in the world. Messi is known for his incredible dribbling skills, agility, and accurate finishing ability. He is also a great team player who is able to set up goals for his teammates. Even though Messi has faced several challenges throughout his career, he has remained humble and dedicated to the sport. Messi is loved and respected by many fans all over the world.
Topic Sentence: One of my favourite football players is Lionel Messi.
Supporting Sentences: Messi is an Argentine professional footballer who currently plays for Paris Saint-Germain Football Club in France. He rose to fame as a player of Barcelona Football Club in Spain, where he spent most of his career. Messi is widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time. He has won numerous awards throughout his career, including seven Ballon d'Or awards given to the best player in the world. Messi is known for his incredible dribbling skills, agility, and accurate finishing ability. He is also a great team player who is able to set up goals for his teammates. Even though Messi has faced several challenges throughout his career, he has remained humble and dedicated to the sport.
Exercise of The Popularity of the Different Sports in the World
A. Fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct words from the text.
1. a person who works as a professional, especially in a sport
4. existing for longer than people can remember; very old
6. possible to approach, enter, or use
9. long and thin, often in a way that is unusual
2. a British game by two teams using a bat and ball
3. connected with activities that people do for pleasure when they are not working
5. a hit of the ball before it touches the ground
7. a large pile of earth or stones; a small hill
8. showing or feeling respect and slight fear
B. Choose the correct alternative and answer the questions.
a. Which two games are popular in the world for their cheap equipment? 
i. football and hockey
ii. football and basketball iii. basketball and volleyball
b. In which countries is cricket particularly popular?
i. Canada, America and Africa
ii. UK, American and Australia
iii. India, Pakistan and Australia
c. What Is the significant difference between regular volleyball and beach volleyball?
i. the number of teams
ii. the number of players
iii. the size of the playground
d. Which of the following games involve the use of a ball and bat?
i. baseball and cricket
ii. rugby and cricket
iii. hockey and cricket
e. Which country is supposed to have named 'golf'?
i. Scotland
ii. England
iii. the Netherlands
f. Which of the following games have their varieties in terms of the places they are played?
i. rounders and baseball
ii. hockey and volleyball
iii. football and cricket
C. Answer these questions in short.
a. Mention any two reasons behind the popularity of sports in the world.
= Two reasons behind the popularity of sports in the world are its ability to promote physical fitness and provide entertainment and recreation for people.
b. What does historical evidence say about the origin of football?
= Historical evidence suggests that early versions of football were played in ancient civilizations like China, Greece, and Rome. However, modern football as we know it today originated in England in the mid-19th century.
c. What is the main difference between cricket and baseball?
= The main difference between cricket and Baseball is the way the ball is thrown. In cricket, the ball is bowled towards the batsman, while in baseball, the ball is pitched by the pitcher towards the batter.
d. How is regular volleyball played?
= Regular volleyball is played with two teams of six players each. The teams try to hit the ball over the net and land it in the opponent's court, while also trying to prevent the opponents from doing the same.
e. Who originated basketball and when?
= Basketball was originated by Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education instructor, in December 1891.
f. What risk is involved in rugby?
= Rugby involves a higher risk of physical contact and tackling compared to many other sports. The players can experience injuries such as fractures, concussions, and sprains due to the physical nature of the game.
 Grammar II 
A. Complete the text below with the correct alternative from the brackets. 
A man who.......(wanted, is wanted, was wanted) tovbuy an ass went to market. Coming across a likely-looking beast, he iin (was arranged, arranged, had been arranged) with the owner that he should.......(allowed, be allowed, was allowing) to take him home on trial to see what the beast was like. When the man......(reached, was reached, will be reached) home, he put the beast into his stable along with the other asses. The newcomer looked around, and immediately went and chose a place next to the laziest and greediest beast in the stable. When the master.....(saw, was seen, had been seen) this, he put a halter on him at once, and.........(led, was lead, was leading) him off and (handed, was handed, will be handed) him over to his owner. The latter.......(surprised, was surprising, was surprised) to see him back so soon. He inquired, "Why, do you mean to say.......... (have tested, have been tested, was tested) him already?" "I don't want to put him through any more tests," replied the other. "I..............(could see, could be seen, could have seen) what sort of beast, he is from the companion he chose for himself."
Answer :-
A man who wanted to buy an ass went to market. Coming across a likely-looking beast, he arranged with the owner that he should be allowed to take him home on trial to see what the beast was like. When the man reached home, he put the beast into his stable along with the other asses. The newcomer looked around, and immediately went and chose a place next to the laziest and greediest beast in the stable. When the master saw this, he put a halter on him at once, and led him off and handed him over to his owner. The latter was surprised to see him back so soon. He inquired, "Why, do you mean to say he was tested already?" "I don't want to put him through any more tests," replied the other. "I could see what sort of beast he is from the companion he chose for himself."
B. Complete the sentences below with the correct alternative from the brackets.
Answer Key
a. People always admire this picture.
b. His leg was hurt in the accident'. This is to say: He hurt his leg in the accident.
c. Their children are very badly dressed.
d. Someone has broken two of my dinner plates.
e. This story will be forgotten in few years.
f. All the questions must be answered.
f biscuits. al g. The boys have eaten the packet of biscuits.
h. People built the bridge last year.
i. The farmers are ploughing the field.
j. How do people trap a tiger?
k. We will be helped by the teacher.
I. We should preserve the tiger.
m. A nest has been built by the bird.
D. What is the significance of the Olympic Games in the world today? Discuss.
The Olympic Games have a significant impact on the world today. They bring together people from different countries and cultures in a spirit of friendly competition, promoting international understanding and cooperation. Additionally, the Games inspire millions of people to participate in sports and lead active lives, contributing to physical fitness and healthy lifestyles. The Games also have significant economic and cultural impacts, providing a platform for countries to showcase their cultural heritage and promote tourism. As the Games continue to evolve, their importance in the world will only continue to grow.
C. Change the sentences below into passive voice.
a. People could hear the noise of explosion from a distance,
b. We ought to break down the building before it collapses. 
c. Has he translated the book in any other language?
d. I Like people driving me to my home.
e. Can anybody solve this problem?
f. We had to book the ticket in advance because of the festive season.
g. Who might have stolen your bicycle?
h. I didn't notice that you were recording the class.
I. Does he always sing songs at parties? 
j. She will draw the painting beautifully.
k. Let the mechanic repair my bike.
I. People believe that the Mahabharata was fought in the 10th century BCE. 
m. What are you instructing them now?
Answer :-
a. The noise of the explosion could be heard from a distance.
b. The building ought to be broken down before it collapses. 
c. Has the book been translated into any other language by him?
d. I like being driven to my home by people.
e. Can this problem be solved by anybody?
f. The ticket had to be booked in advance by us because of the festive season.
g. Your bicycle might have been stolen by someone.
h. I didn't notice that the class was being recorded by you.
i. Does he always sing songs at parties?
j. The painting will be drawn beautifully by her.
k. Let my bike be repaired by the mechanic.
I. The Mahabharata is believed to have been fought in the 10th century BCE by people.
m. What are they being instructed by you now?
 Writing II 
Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the upcoming Sports Day/ Week in your school. Include the following points in your dialogue.
Me: Hey, have you heard about the upcoming sports day/week in our school?
Friend: No, I haven't. When is it happening?
Me: It's going to be held next month on the 15th and 16th at our school's sports ground. The event will start at 9 am.
Friend: That sounds exciting. What types of events are going to be there?
Me: There will be various events like running, long jump, high jump, shot put, and relay race. The students can participate in any of these events depending on their interests.
Friend: That's great. Who all can participate in these events?
Me: All the students from different grades can participate in the events.
We can form teams for the relay race as well. Friend: Sounds like a lot of fun. Will there be any prizes for the winners?
Me: Yes, the winners will be awarded medals and certificates. There will also be a prize distribution ceremony on the last day of the sports week. Friend: Wow, that sounds exciting. I can't wait for the sports week to begin.
Me: Yes, me too. We should start practising from now onwards to give our best shot in the events.
Friend: Definitely, let's start practising together from tomorrow.
 Project work 
Find information about a sport that you like the most. Then prepare a pamphlet about it. Include pictures, drawings and illustrations in the pamphlet.
Football is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score more goals than the other team by kicking or heading the ball into the opposing goal.
The game is played with a spherical ball that is approximately 27 to 28 inches in circumference. The ball is made of leather or synthetic materials and is filled with air.
The players use their feet, heads, and torsos to control the ball. They can also use their hands, but only to stop the ball from going out of bounds. The goalkeeper is the only player who is allowed to use their hands inside the penalty area.
The game is played in two halves of 45 minutes each, with a break in between. The winner of the game is the team that has scored more goals by the end of the match.
Football is the most popular sport in the world, with over 265 million players worldwide. It is played in every country on the planet and is a major part of many cultures.
History of Football
The earliest forms of football can be traced back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD in China. Similar games were also played in ancient Greece and Rome.
The modern game of football originated in England in the mid-19th century. The Football Association, the world's oldest football association, was founded in 1863.
Football became an Olympic sport in 1900 and the FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial international championship for men's national teams, was first held in 1930.
Rules of Football
The rules of football are complex and can be found in the Laws of the Game, which are published by FIFA.
Some of the basic rules of football include:
* The game is played between two teams of 11 players each.
* The players must use their feet, heads, and torsos to control the ball.
* The goalkeeper is the only player who is allowed to use their hands inside the penalty area.
* The game is played in two halves of 45 minutes each, with a break in between.
* The winner of the game is the team that has scored more goals by the end of the match.


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